This repo contains Webots projects (PROTO files, controllers, simulation worlds, etc.) contributed by the community.
Any contribution is welcome!
This repository should respect such hierarchy:
-> docs
-> protos
-> icons
-> textures
-> <brand>
-> docs
-> protos
-> icons
-> textures
-> <category>
-> controllers
-> <controller name>
-> docs
-> protos
-> icons
-> textures
-> <brand>
-> controllers
-> <controller name>
-> docs
-> libraries
-> <library name>
-> plugins
-> remote_controls
-> <remote control name>
-> robot_windows
-> <robot windows name>
-> protos
-> icons
-> textures
-> worlds
-> textures
-> <category>
-> controllers
-> <controller name>
-> docs
-> worlds
-> textures
-> controllers
-> <controller name>
-> docs
-> libraries
-> <library name>
-> plugins
-> remote_controls
-> <remote control name>
-> robot_windows
-> <robot windows name>
-> protos
-> icons
-> textures
-> worlds
-> textures
The simplest solution to use all the content of this repository is to use the Webots 'Extra projects path' from the Webots Preferences. Some executables may need to be compiled.
This repository is not maintained by Cyberbotics, some projects may not work or not be up to date to be used with the latest version of Webots.