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Automated testing is an essential tool to assure correctness.


The testing strategy for polkadot is 4-fold:

Unit testing (1)

Boring, small scale correctness tests of individual functions.

Integration tests

There are two variants of integration tests:

Subsystem tests (2)

One particular subsystem (subsystem under test) interacts with a mocked overseer that is made to assert incoming and outgoing messages of the subsystem under test. This is largely present today, but has some fragmentation in the evolved integration test implementation. A proc-macro/macro_rules would allow for more consistent implementation and structure.

Behavior tests (3)

Launching small scale networks, with multiple adversarial nodes without any further tooling required. This should include tests around the thresholds in order to evaluate the error handling once certain assumed invariants fail.

For this purpose based on AllSubsystems and proc-macro AllSubsystemsGen.

This assumes a simplistic test runtime.

Testing at scale (4)

Launching many nodes with configurable network speed and node features in a cluster of nodes. At this scale the Simnet comes into play which launches a full cluster of nodes. The scale is handled by spawning a kubernetes cluster and the meta description is covered by Gurke. Asserts are made using Grafana rules, based on the existing prometheus metrics. This can be extended by adding an additional service translating jaeger spans into addition prometheus avoiding additional polkadot source changes.

Behavior tests and testing at scale have naturally soft boundary. The most significant difference is the presence of a real network and the number of nodes, since a single host often not capable to run multiple nodes at once.


Coverage gives a hint of the actually covered source lines by tests and test applications.

The state of the art is currently [tarpaulin][tarpaulin] which unfortunately yields a lot of false negatives. Lines that are in fact covered, marked as uncovered due to a mere linebreak in a statement can cause these artifacts. This leads to lower coverage percentages than there actually is.

Since late 2020 rust has gained MIR based coverage tooling.

# setup
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
cargo install grcov miniserve

# wasm is not happy with the instrumentation
export SKIP_BUILD_WASM=true
# the actully collected coverage data
export LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="llvmcoveragedata-%p-%m.profraw"
# build wasm without instrumentation
export WASM_TARGET_DIRECTORY=/tmp/wasm
cargo +nightly build
# required rust flags
export RUSTFLAGS="-Zinstrument-coverage"
# assure target dir is clean
rm -r target/{debug,tests}
# run tests to get coverage data
cargo +nightly test --all

# create the *html* report out of all the test binaries
# mostly useful for local inspection
grcov . --binary-path ./target/debug -s . -t html --branch --ignore-not-existing -o ./coverage/
miniserve -r ./coverage

# create a *codecov* compatible report
grcov . --binary-path ./target/debug/ -s . -t lcov --branch --ignore-not-existing --ignore "/*" -o

The test coverage in lcov can the be published to

bash <(curl -s -f

or just printed as part of the PR using a github action i.e. jest-lcov-reporter.

For full examples on how to use grcov /w polkadot specifics see the github repo.


Fuzzing is an approach to verify correctness against arbitrary or partially structured inputs.

Currently implemented fuzzing targets:

  • erasure-coding
  • bridges/storage-proof

The tooling of choice here is honggfuzz-rs as it allows fastest coverage according to "some paper" which is a positive feature when run as part of PRs.

Fuzzing is generally not applicable for data secured by cryptographic hashes or signatures. Either the input has to be specifically crafted, such that the discarded input percentage stays in an acceptable range. System level fuzzing is hence simply not feasible due to the amount of state that is required.

Other candidates to implement fuzzing are:

  • rpc
  • ...

Performance metrics

There are various ways of performance metrics.

  • timing with criterion
  • cache hits/misses w/ iai harness or criterion-perf
  • coz a performance based compiler

Most of them are standard tools to aid in the creation of statistical tests regarding change in time of certain unit tests.

coz is meant for runtime. In our case, the system is far too large to yield a sufficient number of measurements in finite time. An alternative approach could be to record incoming package streams per subsystem and store dumps of them, which in return could be replayed repeatedly at an accelerated speed, with which enough metrics could be obtained to yield information on which areas would improve the metrics. This unfortunately will not yield much information, since most if not all of the subsystem code is linear based on the input to generate one or multiple output messages, it is unlikely to get any useful metrics without mocking a sufficiently large part of the other subsystem which overlaps with [#Integration tests] which is unfortunately not repeatable as of now. As such the effort gain seems low and this is not pursued at the current time.

Writing small scope integration tests with preconfigured workers


  • spawn nodes with preconfigured behaviors
  • allow multiple types of configuration to be specified
  • allow extendability via external crates
  • ...

Implementation of different behavior strain nodes


The main goals are is to allow creating a test node which exhibits a certain behavior by utilizing a subset of wrapped or replaced subsystems easily. The runtime must not matter at all for these tests and should be simplistic. The execution must be fast, this mostly means to assure a close to zero network latency as well as shorting the block time and epoch times down to a few 100ms and a few dozend blocks per epoch.



A simple small scale builder pattern would suffice for stage one implementation of allowing to replace individual subsystems. An alternative would be to harness the existing AllSubsystems type and replace the subsystems as needed.

Full proc-macro implementation

Overseer is a common pattern. It could be extracted as proc macro and generative proc-macro. This would replace the AllSubsystems type as well as implicitly create the AllMessages enum as AllSubsystemsGen does today.

The implementation is yet to be completed, see the implementation PR for details.

Declare an overseer implementation
struct BehaveMaleficient;

impl OverseerGen for BehaveMaleficient {
	fn generate<'a, Spawner, RuntimeClient>(
		args: OverseerGenArgs<'a, Spawner, RuntimeClient>,
	) -> Result<(Overseer<Spawner, Arc<RuntimeClient>>, OverseerHandler), Error>
		RuntimeClient: 'static + ProvideRuntimeApi<Block> + HeaderBackend<Block> + AuxStore,
		RuntimeClient::Api: ParachainHost<Block> + BabeApi<Block> + AuthorityDiscoveryApi<Block>,
		Spawner: 'static + SpawnNamed + Clone + Unpin,
		let spawner = args.spawner.clone();
		let leaves = args.leaves.clone();
		let runtime_client = args.runtime_client.clone();
		let registry = args.registry.clone();
		let candidate_validation_config = args.candidate_validation_config.clone();
		// modify the subsystem(s) as needed:
		let all_subsystems = create_default_subsystems(args)?.
        // or spawn an entirely new set

			// create the filtered subsystem
                // an implementation of

		Overseer::new(leaves, all_subsystems, registry, runtime_client, spawner)
			.map_err(|e| e.into())

        // A builder pattern will simplify this further
        // WIP

fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> {
	let cli = Cli::from_args();
	assert_matches::assert_matches!(cli.subcommand, None);
	polkadot_cli::run_node(cli, BehaveMaleficient)?;

variant-a is a fully working example.


Spawn a kubernetes cluster based on a meta description using Gurke with the Simnet scripts.

Coordinated attacks of multiple nodes or subsystems must be made possible via a side-channel, that is out of scope for this document.

The individual node configurations are done as targets with a particular builder configuration.

Behavior tests w/o Simnet

Commonly this will require multiple nodes, and most machines are limited to running two or three nodes concurrently. Hence, this is not the common case and is just an implementation idea.

"TestRuntime" =>
"Alice": <AvailabilityDistribution=DropAll, .. >,
"Bob": <AvailabilityDistribution=DuplicateSend, .. >,
"Charles": Default,
"David": "Charles",
"Eve": "Bob",