##libco is a c/c++ coroutine library that widely used in WeChat services.
Author: sunnyxu([email protected]), leiffyli([email protected]), [email protected]([email protected]), sarlmolchen([email protected])
By linking with libco, you can easily transform synchronous back-end service into co-routine service, which provide out-standing concurrency compare to multi-thread approach. You get both happy coding in synchronous way and performance improve.
You can also use co_create/co_resume/co_yield function for asynchronous back-end service, which give you more control of when should I switch between co-routine.
libco has been used in WeChat since 2013, running on tens of thousands of machines. With libco, you can easily build a backend service suport tens of millions tcp connection.
##libco是微信后台大规模使用的c/c++协程库,2013年至今稳定运行在微信后台的数万台机器上。 作者: sunnyxu([email protected]), leiffyli([email protected]), [email protected]([email protected]), sarlmolchen([email protected])
libco通过仅有的几个函数接口 co_create/co_resume/co_yield 再配合 co_poll,可以支持同步或者异步的写法,如线程库一样轻松。同时库里面提供了socket族函数的hook,使得后台逻辑服务几乎不用修改逻辑代码就可以完成异步化改造。