We will be continuing with our course work:
- CS229 from Stanford University
- Siraj Raval's Math of Intelligence
- Complete Uptil Lecture 10 from the CS229 course. Try making notes for every video you watch. It'll be helpful down the lane.
- Complete videos till week 4 of Siraj Raval's Math of Intelligence (total 8 videos).
- Study this paper who didn't do it before
- No assignments this week. Sorry for that as we are busy with our internships.
This process takes 15 days to complete
- Register on Coursera
- Open the Following Courses
- There is an Option for Financial Aid which is below the option Try the Course for Free
- Click on it
- Fill the form
- On Page 2 Fill the Section of Earning and What I can Pay as 0
- In the two fields which ask you to write in 150 word fill anything sensible and keep it saved somewhere for future use
- Fill the same 150 word in all the 5 Courses
- Apply for the Financial Aid.
- Apply for the ID Verification which can be found under Settings under the drop down menu accesible from top right corner.
- Use Aadhar Card or Pan Card or Driving License for it. Don't use Institue ID Card.
Implement all that you have learned in the Siraj Raval Video Series. You can find each coding challenge in the description of the respective videos. Learning the intricacies of implementation is equally important too. The videos provide a Jupyter Notebook that Siraj has followed. The minimum you can do is to simply replicate the notebook by re-writing every single line of code. There's no way for us to check whether you have just renamed that notebook and submitted (and we don't want to know either). It is totally for your learning and writing each and every line of code yourself, would go a long way in strengthening your understanding. Please don't treat this as we treat the course assignments given in our college.