Implementation of .netcore ILogger for Azure Event Hub
First, install the Daenet.Common.Logging.EventHub NuGet Package into your application.
Install-Package Daenet.Common.Logging.EventHub
Following code block, shows how to add EventHubLogger provider to the loggerFactory in EventHubLoggerUnitTests class:
private void initializeEventHubLogger(Func<string, LogLevel, bool> filter,
Func<LogLevel, EventId, object, Exception, EventData> eventDataFormatter = null,
Dictionary<string, object> additionalValues = null)
ConfigurationBuilder cfgBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
var configRoot = cfgBuilder.Build();
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory()
.AddEventHub(configRoot.GetEventHubLoggerSettings(), filter, eventDataFormatter, additionalValues);
m_Logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<EventHubLoggerUnitTests>();
Following configuration needs to be added in the EventHubLogger>settings.json file.
"IncludeScopes": true,
"Switches": {
"Daenet.Common.EventHubLogger.UnitTests": 0
"EventHub": {
"ConnectionString": "EventHub Connection String",
"IncludeExceptionStackTrace": false,
"RetryPolicy": 0
Your log output from sent Events would look like:
"body": {
"Name": "Daenet.Common.EventHubLogger.UnitTests.EventHubLoggerUnitTests",
"Scope": null,
"EventId": "0",
"Message": "Test Warning Log Message",
"Level": 3,
"LocalEnqueuedTime": "2017-07-04T17:32:46.3321255+02:00",
"Exception": null,
"{OriginalFormat}": "Test Warning Log Message"