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This folder includes the codebase for Where2Act simulator and experiments.

Before start

To train the models, please first go to the ../data folder and download the pre-processed SAPIEN dataset for Where2Act.

To test over the pretrained models, please go to the logs folder and download the pretrained checkpoints.

Please fill in this form to download all resources.


This code has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with Cuda 10.1, Python 3.6, and PyTorch 1.7.0.

First, install SAPIEN following

pip install

For other Python versions, you can use one of the following

pip install
pip install
pip install

Please do not use the default pip install sapien as SAPIEN is still being actively developed and updated.

Then, if you want to run the 3D experiment, this depends on PointNet++.

git clone --recursive
cd Pointnet2_PyTorch
# [IMPORTANT] comment these two lines of code:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Finally, run the following to install other packages.

# make sure you are at the repository root directory
pip install -r requirements.txt

to install the other dependencies.

For visualization, please install blender v2.79 and put the executable in your environment path. Also, the prediction result can be visualized using MeshLab or the RenderShape tool in Thea.


You can run the following command to test and visualize a random interation in the simulation environment.

python 40147 StorageFurniture 0 pushing

Change the shape id to other ids for testing other shapes, and modify the primitive action type to any of the six supported types: pushing, pushing-up, pushing-left, pulling, pulling-up, pulling-left. Run python --help to understand the full input arguments.

After you ran the code, you will find a record for this interaction trial under ./results/40147_StorageFurniture_0_pushing_0, from where you can see the full log, 2D image, 3D depth and interaction outcome. You can run the following command to replay the interaction.

python results/40147_StorageFurniture_0_pushing_0/result.json

If you want to run on a headless server, simple put xvfb-run -a before any code command that runs the SAPIEN simulator. Install the xvfb tool on your server if not installed.

Generate Offline Training Data

Before training the network, we need to collect a large set of interaction trials via random exploration.

bash scripts/

By default, this file generates data for all categories under the pushing primitive action. You can modify the content of the above file to generate data for different settings.

Please modify the num_epochs for generating different data amount and num_processes for the number of CPU cores to use.

Generating enough offline interaction trials is necessary for a successful learning, and it may require many CPU hours (e.g. 1000 hrs or more) for the data collection. So, this offline data collection script is designed for you to parallize the data generation on different machines, by setting the proper --starting_epoch, --num_epochs, --out_fn and --num_processes parameters. After the data generation, you need to move all the data to the same folder and create one data_tuple_list.txt file merging all output data index files. Check the other parameters for more information.

python --help

In our experiments, the table below summarizes our default offline data generation epochs.

Primitive Action Type Offline Data Total Epochs Offline Data Loading Epochs

3D Experiment

To train the network, first train the Action Scoring Module (critic) only until convergence,

bash scripts/

then, train the full model (please specify the pre-trained critic-only network checkpoint),

bash scripts/

To evaluate and visualize the results, run

bash scripts/ 40147

to visualize the Action Scoring Module predictions (Fig. 4 in the main paper). This script use a random viewpoint and a random interaction direction, so you can run multiple times to get different results. The results are generated under logs/[exp-folder]/[result-folder]/.

Please use

bash scripts/ 40147

to visualize the Actionability Module and Action Proposal Module results (Fig. 1, 5 in the main paper). This script will generate a GIF for all proposed successful interaction orientations for a randomly sampled pixel for interaction, so you can run multiple times to get different results. The results are generated under logs/[exp-folder]/[result-folder]/.