Use sampler not profiler @ JVIsualVM
Do not limit max FPS, set to 300+ (also swapbuffer taking 50% of CPU time - see glfw docs, maybe vsync is on? ) https://www.reddit.com/r/opengl/comments/zerwxm/glfwswapbuffers_taking_almost_60_my_programs_cpu/
Lazy seqs hide evaluation & slower (e.g. main loop filter this, etc) ! use transducers (also hide steps in the into...)
boxed math ! unchecked-math :warn-on-boxed
in production set assert to false? @ cell grid lots of checks add/remove entity
2d array faster than grid2d? But not 'immutable'!
entity valAt → move accessors into protocol fns e.g. position and use .position entity or only non-ns keyword
lightmap calculations
Switch Texture @ shape-drawer => use common entity texture white pixel, not create separate!
(gdx.app/post-runnable #(.setVSync com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx/graphics false))