Cassandra Test is a unit test and integration test framework featuring support for multiple test environments, schema management, table data loading and connection management.
@CassandraKeyspace(value = "testng_cassandra_test", schema = "classpath:sample-schema.cql")
public class TestNGSampleTest extends AbstractTestNGCassandraTest {
public void timeseriesRowCount() throws Exception {
assertThat(getKeyspace().getTable("timeseries).getCount(), is(3L));
Cassandra Test modules are organized by the supported test environments: TestNG, JUnit and Spring Test. To include Cassandra Test in your project, choose the artifactId that matches your test environment.
Cassandra Test has been built and tested with:
Technology | Supported Versions |
Datastax Java Driver | 2.0.2+, 2.1.0+, 3.0.0+ |
Apache Cassandra | 2.0.4+ 2.1.0+ 2.2.0+ 3.0.0+ |
Java | 6+ |
Pull requests for bug fixes and new features are welcome.
The following items are being considered for future releases of Cassandra Test.
- Improve README documentation across the project.
- Wiki documentation.
- Create an example usage project.
- Add method level annotations.
- Investigate other data loading source file formats, including JSON, YAML, XML and CSV.
- Investigate "golden" data for table data state verification.
- Add plugins for schema management tools.
- Investigate support for managing Cassandra instances with CCM, Embedded Cassandra and SCassandra.
- Investigate negative testing tools to put Cassandra into bad states (node down, etc).
- Performance: session cache, file read cache, etc.
- Parallel test support (why?).