AppleTV interface to Internet Archive
To get your development environment up and runnning:
- Install Xcode
- Copy Private.plist.template to Private.plist and edit it to include actual values.
- APIURL is the prefix for the API resouce endpoints
- JSPREFIX is the http(s) prefix for the directory serving javascript
- SIMULATORJSPREFIX is the http prefix for the directory serving javascript for the simulator
- The ia.js points to an HTTP server running locally. To serve it locally, start up a simple server from the ia-atv directory by running the following:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9001
- To start editing the code, from the ia-atv directory run: `open atv/atv.xcodeproj.
- While developing, you can use the Safari webinspector to debug the javascript.
- Make sure you have Safari 9.0 or newer
- From the command line, run the following:
defaults write BUNDLEID WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true
. You can find the current bundleid in the swift info - In Safari, click Develop > Simulator > Automatically Show Web Inspector for JSContexts