tus is a protocol based on HTTP for resumable file uploads. Resumable means that an upload can be interrupted at any moment and can be resumed without re-uploading the previous data again. An interruption may happen willingly, if the user wants to pause, or by accident in case of an network issue or server outage.
tus-java-client is a library for uploading files using the tus protocol to any remote server supporting it.
// Create a new TusClient instance
TusClient client = new TusClient();
// Configure tus HTTP endpoint. This URL will be used for creating new uploads
// using the Creation extension
client.setUploadCreationURL(new URL("http://master.tus.io/files"));
// Enable resumable uploads by storing the upload URL in memory
client.enableResuming(new TusURLMemoryStore());
// Open a file using which we will then create a TusUpload. If you do not have
// a File object, you can manually construct a TusUpload using an InputStream.
// See the documentation for more information.
File file = new File("./cute_kitten.png");
TusUpload upload = new TusUpload(file);
// First try to resume an upload. If that's not possible we will create a new
// upload and get a TusUploader in return. This class is responsible for opening
// a connection to the remote server and doing the uploading.
TusUploader uploader = client.resumeOrCreateUpload(upload);
// Upload the file in chunks of 1KB as long as data is available. Once the
// file has been fully uploaded the method will return -1
while(uploader.uploadChunk(1024 * 1024) > -1) {
// Calculate the progress using the total size of the uploading file and
// the current offset.
long totalBytes = upload.getSize();
long bytesUploaded = uploader.getOffset();
double progress = (double) bytesUploaded / totalBytes * 100
// Allow the HTTP connection to be closed and cleaned up