- ssh gen
- git-config
- sublime with IME support
- fix ctrl+alt+p overrided by fcitx
- terminal theme(using dconf)
- java
- ant
- remove titlebar when maximum
- change gnome theme
- add new document template
- remove rvmsudo hint
- app config
- tilda
- filezilla
- git-cola config
- android studio
- favorite application
- install nodejs by nvm
- install bower
- setup poplipo
- sync sublime settings(https://packagecontrol.io/docs/syncing#git)
- using subl as git-cola editor
- maven PATH
- using rvm to get ruby locally(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5447805/rvm-is-there-a-way-for-simple-offline-install)
- language-selector-prefer(门)
- tidy-html5
- prevent hardcode sogou name
- Quick rm with rsync( https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/37329/efficiently-delete-large-directory-containing-thousands-of-files)
- Deprecated bower, using npm5+ instead
- Arduino support
- RVM --default issue(don't put environment in .profile)
- pipes.sh(https://askubuntu.com/questions/699579/ascii-screensaver-for-the-command-line-or-a-tui)
- Ruby gem list(bundler, gemrat...)
- Golang
- python-nautilus
- python-nautilus
terminal use bright color for bold text login screen https://askubuntu.com/questions/1236189/change-ubuntus-purple-login-screen-to-gnome-3-36s
- bin/ struct example
trace config in bin that can be public
- server version
- error handler and retry
- post install verify
- parallel
- disable apt update during running