title | layout |
Homebrew |
default |
brew unlink git
brew link git
brew list # List all installed
brew list --versions git # See what versions of `git` you have
brew info git # List versions, caveats, etc
brew cleanup git # Remove old versions
brew edit git # Edit this formula
brew home git # Open homepage
Nice Homebrew packages:
- Git "GUI" for the consolemysql
- Adaptor to use Apple's FileMerge asdiff
(git config --global merge-tool fmdiff
- Curses-based music playercclive
- Video downloader
Not from brew:
- nice free merge tool for OSX
Install a more-recent version that supports tmux -C
brew install https://github.com/adamv/homebrew-alt/raw/master/other/tmux-iterm2.rb
Install the wrapper for stuff to enable OSX clipboard to work
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace --wrap-pbcopy-and-pbpaste
Make sure that your VIM alias uses it
alias vim="reattach-to-user-namespace /Application/MacVim/Contents/MacOS/Vim"