This file tracks features that this cookbook implements. It is an orgmode formatted file (see If you are an emacs user, then this is right up your alley. I’m not, but there is a pretty nice Sublime Text plug-in for it and the format is very nice for keeping track of TODO lists and what not. That is precisely what this file is – a list of things that need do’ing.
[X] devpi-server is installed into virtual environment [X] virtual environment location is configurable [X] devpi-server version is configurable [X] daemon user is configurable [X] admin group is configurable [X] supervisor recipe - controls service using supervisor [X] server port configurable [X] server root configurable [X] runit recipe - controls service using runit [X] server port configurable [X] server root configurable [X] nginx recipe - expose devpi-server via nginx
[X] devpi client recipe - only install the client
[ ] user LWRP
[ ] index LWRP
[ ] import LWRP
[ ] export LWRP
[X] Remove supporting recipes (e.g., supervisor, runit)
[X] Use devpi-server --gen-config
to generate nginx configuration
[X] Convert server recipe into LWRP
[X] Switch to ChefDK
[X] Appease all style checks
[X] Remove git-flow nonsense
[X] Add nginx configuration LWRP
[X] Add `replicate` option to devpi_server LWRP [ ] Add `devpi_service` LWRP [ ] Add `devpi_user` LWRP [ ] Add `devpi_index` LWRP