- Add create user, designate permission and change password views.
- Migrate views to class based generic views and added docstrings. See http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/class-based-views/ and http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/generic-views-migration/
- Check for non-cascading deletes on foreignkey models. See http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#django.db.models.ForeignKey.on_delete
- Look into logging as potentially useful. See http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/logging/
- Check for use of RequestFactory objects in testing. See http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#django.test.client.RequestFactory
- The MEDIA_URL and LOGIN_URL are hardcoded, this should be fixed.
- Need to update get_absolute_url for all models
- Still need the following tests
- ModelTests: data.Treatment, data.Assay, data.Diet, data.Environment, data.Experiment, data.Implantation, data.Measurement, data.Pharmaceutical, data.Researcher, data.Transplantation, data.Vendor
- ViewTests: * data App: treatment-list,treatment-new, treatment-detail, treatment-edit, treatment-delete, experiment-list, experiment-detail, experiment-detail-csv, data-entry, experiment-new, measurement-list, pharmaceutical-list, diet-list, study-experiment-new * animals app: breeding-pups, breeding-pups-wean, breeding-pups-change, ,animal-multiple-pups-new, animal-multiple-new * POST tests. See http://toastdriven.com/blog/2011/apr/17/guide-to-testing-in-django-2/ * Add named urls to tests. See http://toastdriven.com/blog/2011/apr/17/guide-to-testing-in-django-2/ * Check ModelTests
- Write a view and template for archive-home. Update unit test.
- Fix the strain-plugevents-list view and correct the unit test.
- Used jquery-ui buttons in timed_mating app.
- Update usage document.
- Change version number in setup.py and Docs/source/conf.py Update Documentation and move to root directory
- This upgrade is to follow the semantic versioning guidelines (see http://semver.org/), in which production triggers 1.0.0
- Upgraded to Django 1.3.
- Moved static files to be served from a separate location and from a separate folder.
- Added units tests for data and timed_mating apps.
- Added south, mysql-python and django-ajax-selects dependencies to setup.py. There is a problem with installing mysql-python on windows that needs to be addressed (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1972259/mysql-python-install-problem-using-virtualenv-windows-pip and https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3153396&group_id=22307&atid=374932)
- Removed all references to "mousedb" in urls. This allows for separate installations to use different server locations (ie /mousedb-dave and /mousedb-nicole. Checked that all templates use get_absolute_url or {% url url-name %} tags.
- Set inactive breeding cages to be marked as red. Put an inactive cage message on the detail page for inactive breeding cages.
- Animals are no longer defined at the Experiment object level, but are defined in Treatment and Measurement objects. These are then introspected at the Study and Experiment level. This requires a migration of the data app.
- Added an annual archive of mouse births using the url archive-home
- Added a new view for exporting animal survival data
- Updated documentation for installation using pip and buildout
- Fixed errors in buildout and updated documentation
- Incorporated buildout for easier deployment