- SALMON is a computational toolbox for segmentation using neural networks (3D patches-based segmentation)
- SALMON is based on NN-UNET and MONAI: PyTorch-based, open-source frameworks for deep learning in healthcare imaging. (https://github.com/Project-MONAI/MONAI) (https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet)
This is my "open-box" version if I want to modify the parameters for some particular task, while the two above are hard-coded.
Follow the steps in "installation_commands.txt". Installation via Anaconda and creation of a virtual env to download the python libraries and pytorch/cuda.
organize_folder_structure.py: Organize the data in the folder structure (training,validation,testing) for the network. Labels are resampled and resized to the corresponding image, to avoid array size conflicts. You can set here a new image resolution for the dataset.
init.py: List of options used to train the network.
check_loader_patches: Shows example of patches fed to the network during the training.
networks.py: The architecture available for segmentation is a nn-Unet.
train.py: Runs the training
predict_single_image.py: It launches the inference on a single input image chosen by the user.
Use first "organize_folder_structure.py" to create organize the data. Modify the input parameters to select the two folders: images and labels folders with the dataset. Set the resolution of the images here before training.
├── Data_folder
| ├── CT
| | ├── 1.nii
| | ├── 2.nii
| | └── 3.nii
| ├── CT_labels
| | ├── 1.nii
| | ├── 2.nii
| | └── 3.nii
Data structure after running it:
├── Data_folder
| ├── CT
| ├── CT_labels
| ├── images
| | ├── train
| | | ├── image1.nii
| | | └── image2.nii
| | └── val
| | | ├── image3.nii
| | | └── image4.nii
| | └── test
| | | ├── image5.nii
| | | └── image6.nii
| ├── labels
| | ├── train
| | | ├── label1.nii
| | | └── label2.nii
| | └── val
| | | ├── label3.nii
| | | └── label4.nii
| | └── test
| | | ├── label5.nii
| | | └── label6.nii
- Modify the "init.py" to set the parameters and start the training/testing on the data. Read the descriptions for each parameter.
- Afterwards launch the "train.py" for training. Tensorboard is available to monitor the training ("runs" folder created)
- Check and modify the train_transforms applied to the images in "train.py" for your specific case. (e.g. In the last update there is a HU windowing for CT images)
Sample images: the following images show the segmentation of carotid artery from MRI sequence
Sample images: the following images show the multi-label segmentation of prostate transition zone and peripheral zone from MRI sequence
- Launch "predict_single_image.py" to test the network. Modify the parameters in the parse section to select the path of the weights, images to infer and result.
- You can test the model on a new image, with different size and resolution from the training. The script will resample it before the inference and give you a mask with same size and resolution of the source image.
- Use and modify "check_loader_patches.py" to check the patches fed during training.
- The "networks.py" calls the nn-Unet, which adapts itself to the input data (resolution and patches size). The script also saves the graph of you network, so you can visualize it.
- Is it possible to add other networks, but for segmentation the U-net architecture is the state of the art.
- The label can be omitted (None) if you segment an unknown image. You have to add the --resolution if you resampled the data during training (look at the argsparse in the code).
python predict_single_image.py --image './Data_folder/image.nii' --label './Data_folder/label.nii' --result './Data_folder/prova.nii' --weights './best_metric_model.pth'
The subfolder "multi_label_segmentation_example" include the modified code for multi_labels scenario. The example segment the prostate (1 channel input) in the transition zone and peripheral zone (2 channels output). The gif files with some example images are shown above.
Some note:
- You must add an additional channel for the background. Example: 0 background, 1 prostate, 2 prostate tumor = 3 out channels in total.
- Tensorboard can show you all segmented channels, but for now the metric is the Mean-Dice (of all channels). If you want to evaluate the Dice score for each channel you have to modify a bit the plot_dice function. I will do it...one day...who knows...maybe not
- The loss is the DiceLoss + CrossEntropy. You can modify it if you want to try others (https://docs.monai.io/en/latest/losses.html#diceloss)
Check more examples at https://github.com/Project-MONAI/tutorials/blob/master/3d_segmentation/spleen_segmentation_3d.ipynb.