Here are steps to demonstrate bult-in retry logic for the SQL provider against an Azure SQL Database
- VS 2022 Community Edition
- Nuget packages for Microsoft.Data.SqlClient and System.Configuration.Configuration Manager
- Use VS to Add a new item for an Application Configuration file
- Deploy two Azure SQL Databases (General Purpose service tier) and Server. You need two databases to show failover since you can only manually failover every 15 mins.
- Put both your database connection strings in the app config file.
- You will use the SQL admin login and password to authenticate
- Install Azure Powershell modules:
- Edit failovergp1.ps1 and failover gp2.ps1 to point to your server, resource group, and each database.
- Show the code on how retry logic works with the provider
- Comment out the code to assign the retry provider to the connection
- Assign your connection to the first Azure SQL Database in your code
- Execute the program
- Run failovergp1.ps1 to initiate a GP service tier failover
- Notice how errors (shown in red) appear until the failover is complete and app starts reconnecting
- Change your connection to use the 2nd GP database
- Uncomment the retry logic code and reubild the app
- Execute the program
- Run failovergp2.ps1 to initiate a GP service tier failover
- Note the yellow and grey text which are evidence of retry behind the scenes.