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webhost-gitusers-dokuwiki example

This project is an example for using Debops with Vagrant. It uses the Vagrant provisioner plugin Vai to generate the inventory-file. Provision is then actually done using debops as usual.

The Vagrant Ansible provisioner is not used at all, because Vai does a much better job for our needs. If you absolutely want to use the Vagrant Ansible provisioner, please have a look at the vagrant-multi-machine example.


  • Ansible
  • Vagrant 1.6 or newer (1.5 may work, too; 1.4 does not)
  • Vai, a Vagrant provisioner plugin (see below for installation)
  • debops (of course ;-)

Quick Start


  • Install the Vagrant provisioning plugin Vai:

    vagrant plugin install vai
  • Fire up Vagrant: vagrant up

    This will create two virtual machine web and db and generate the inventory file in ansible/inventory.

  • Run:

    ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" debops ./simpletest.yml

    This will run a simple playbook testing if files have been found and variables have been set up as correctly as expected. You should get "okay" for all tasks.

    Please note: Using this ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS=... is optional. But it avoids cluttering your known_hosts with keys of your ever-changing vagrant VMs. Absolutely do not use this for your production servers!

Now you can use debops as usual (mind ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS=... :-). It will automatically include the host definitions auto-generated by vagrant. If for some reason debops resp. Ansible does not find the inventory, you may safely run vagrant provision to regenerate it.

How it works

Please refer to the vagrant-multi-machine example for more about this.