A tiny library to help make using web workers easier. (>1k)
For more info on web workers look here
npm i @deebloo/worker --save
Chome, Firefox, Safari, and IE11+
Uses ES6 promises. If using browser that does not have native support.
npm i es6-shim --save
// if using webpack/browserify
var $worker = require('@deebloo/worker');
// if using as global
var $worker = window.$worker;
// pass in a function to be run in a separate thread
var myWorker = $worker().create(function () {
self.postMessage('Hello World');
// run the worker respond to the promise
myWorker.run().then(function (e) {
console.log(e.data); // 'Hello World'
factory - creates instance of $worker that can then be used to create web workers
var worker = $worker();
creates a new web worker
Arg | Type | description |
fn | Function | the function to run in a web worker |
function helloWorld() {
self.postMessage('Hello World');
var myWorker = $worker().create(helloWorld);
Post data for the web worker to use. Runs the web worker and returns a promise;
Arg | Type | description |
data | * | the data to be posted (cannot be function) |
.create(function (e) {
.run('hello world')
.then(function (e) {
console.log(e.data) // HELLO WORLD
Returns a list of all of the created workers
var workerGroup = $worker();
workerGroup.create( ... );
workerGroup.create( ... );
workerGroup.list().length === 2