A Beautiful fullscreen Circular Spinner, very useful for determinate or indeterminate task. You can use it as activity indicator during loading.
CircularSpinner is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
Swift 3:
pod 'CircularSpinner'
Swift 2.2:
pod 'CircularSpinner' ', '~> 0.2'
You can present the circular spinner from anywhere by calling the show()
class method.
CircularSpinner.show(animated: true, showDismissButton: false, delegate: self)
Update the value by calling:
CircularSpinner.setValue(0.2, animated: true)
The spinner will automatically dismiss when it reaches the 100%, alternatively you can dismiss it manually by calling:
CircularSpinner.show("Loading...", animated: true, type: .indeterminate)
Dismiss by calling:
There's one method in the CircularSpinnerDelegate that you can use to customize the appearance of the percentual Label:
@objc optional func circularSpinnerTitleForValue(_ value: Float) -> NSAttributedString
taglia3, [email protected]
LinkedIn, Matteo Tagliafico
CircularSpinner is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.