Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, Christian P. Robert & George Casella (2004) [pdf]
Statistical Analysis and Data Display - An Intermediate Course with Examples in S-Plus, R, and SAS, Richard M. Heiberger & Burt Holland (2004) [pdf]
Statistics and Finance - An Introduction, David Ruppert (2004) [pdf]
All of Statistics - A Concise Course in Statistical Inference, Larry Wasserman (2004) [pdf]
Statistical Analysis of Financial Data in S-Plus, René A. Carmona (2004) [pdf]
Analyzing Categorical Data, Jeffrey S. Simonoff (2003) [pdf]
Plane Answers to Complex Questions - The Theory of Linear Models, Ronald Christensen (2002) [pdf]
Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Repeated Measurements, Charles S. Davis (2002) [pdf]
Statistical Analysis of Designed Experiments, Helge Toutenburg (2002) [pdf]
Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting, Peter J. Brockwell & Richard A. Davis (2002) [pdf]
Applying and Interpreting Statistics - A Comprehensive Guide, Glen McPherson (2001) [pdf]
Advanced Linear Modeling - Multivariate, Time Series, and Spatial Data; Nonparametric Regression and Response Surface Maximization, Ronald Christensen (2001) [pdf]
Time Series Analysis and Its Applications, Robert H. Shumway & David S. Stoffer (2000) [pdf]
Introduction to Graphical Modelling, David Edwards (2000) [pdf]
Stat Labs - Mathematical Statistics Through Applications, Deborah Nolan & Terry Speed (2000) [pdf]
Probability for Statisticians, Galen R. Shorack (2000) [pdf]
Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Control of Stochastic Systems, (1999) [pdf]
Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, Christian P. Robert & George Casella (1999) [pdf]
Theory of Multivariate Statistics, Martin Bilodeau & David Brenner (1999) [pdf]
Mathematical Statistics - A Unified Introduction, George R. Terrell (1999) [pdf]
Design and Analysis of Experiments, Angela Dean & Daniel Voss (1999) [pdf]
Applied Regression Analysis - A Research Tool, John O. Rawlings & Sastry G. Pantula (1998) [pdf]
Theory of Point Estimation, E. L. Lehmann & George Casella (1998) [pdf]
A First Course in Multivariate Statistics, Bernard Flury (1997) [pdf]
Applying Generalized Linear Models, James K. Lindsey (1997) [pdf]
Probability Theory - Independence, Interchangeability, Martingales, Yuan Shih Chow & Henry Teicher (1997) [pdf]
Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression, Ronald Christensen (1997) [pdf]
Basic Principles of Structural Equation Modeling - An Introduction to LISREL and EQS, Ralph O. Mueller PhD (1996) [pdf]
Plane Answers to Complex Questions - The Theory of Linear Models, Ronald Christensen (1996) [pdf]
Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting, Peter J. Brockwell & Richard A. Davis (1996) [pdf]
A First Course in Probability Models and Statistical Inference, J. H. C. Creighton (1994) [pdf]
The Bayesian Choice - A Decision-Theoretic Motivation, Christian P. Robert (1994) [pdf]
An Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes, Marc A. Berger (1993) [pdf]
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis - Volume II: Categorical and Multivariate Methods, J. D. Jobson (1992) [pdf]
Analysis of Variance in Experimental Design, Harold R. Lindman (1992) [pdf]
Introduction to Reliability Analysis - Probability Models and Statistical Methods, Shelemyahu Zacks (1992) [pdf]
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis - Regression and Experimental Design, J. D. Jobson (1991) [pdf]
Linear Models for Multivariate, Time Series, and Spatial Data, Ronald Christensen (1991) [pdf]
Introduction to Statistics - The Nonparametric Way, Gottfried E. Noether (1991) [pdf]
Statistical Methods: The Geometric Approach, David J. Saville & Graham R. Wood (1991) [pdf]
Regression Analysis - Theory, Methods, and Applications, Ashish Sen & Muni Srivastava (1990) [pdf]
Statistics for Lawyers, Michael O. Finkelstein & Bruce Levin (1990) [pdf]
Statistics in Scientific Investigation - Its Basis, Application, and Interpretation, Glen McPherson (1990) [pdf]
Regression Analysis - Theory, Methods and Applications, Ashish Sen & Muni Srivastava (1990) [pdf]
Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics - Probability for Statistics, Hung T. Nguyen & Gerald S. Rogers (1989) [pdf]
Probability and Statistics - Theory and Applications, Gunnar Blom (1989) [pdf]
Statistical Tables and Formulae, Stephen Kokoska & Christopher Nevison (1989) [pdf]
The Statistical Analysis of Discrete Data, Thomas J. Santner (1989) [pdf]
Probability Theory - Independence, Interchangeability, Martingales, Yuan Shih Chow & Henry Teicher (1988) [pdf]
Prescriptions for Working Statisticians, Albert Madansky (1988) [pdf]
Introduction to Statistical Inference, Gary Lorden (1987) [pdf]
Elements of Statistics for the Life and Social Sciences, Braxton M. Alfred (1987) [pdf]
Plane Answers to Complex Questions - The Theory of Linear Models, Ronald Christensen (1987) [pdf]
Counting for Something - Statistical Principles and Personalities, William S. Peters (1987) [pdf]
Graphical Exploratory Data Analysis, S. H. C. du Toit & A. G. W. Steyn (1986) [pdf]
Probability and Statistical Inference - Volume 1: Probability, J. G. Kalbfleisch (1985) [pdf]
Applied Mathematical Demography, Nathan Keyfitz (1985) [pdf]