- 使用简单
- 多种初始化方式
- 灵活布局
- 常见的样式
- 双击titleView的回调
- contentView滑动监听
iOS 8.0+
Xcode 9.0+
Swift 4.0+
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
CocoaPods 1.1+ is required to build DNSPageView.
To integrate DNSPageView into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'DNSPageView'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
If you prefer not to use any of the aforementioned dependency managers, you can integrate DNSPageView into your project manually.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run DNSPageView.xcodeproj
// 创建DNSPageStyle,设置样式
let style = DNSPageStyle()
style.isTitleScrollEnable = true
style.isScaleEnable = true
// 设置标题内容
let titles = ["头条", "视频", "娱乐", "要问", "体育" , "科技" , "汽车" , "时尚" , "图片" , "游戏" , "房产"]
// 创建每一页对应的controller
let childViewControllers: [ContentViewController] = titles.map { _ -> ContentViewController in
let controller = ContentViewController()
controller.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.randomColor
return controller
let size = UIScreen.main.bounds.size
// 创建对应的DNSPageView,并设置它的frame
// titleView和contentView会连在一起
let pageView = DNSPageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 64, width: size.width, height: size.height), style: style, titles: titles, childViewControllers: childViewControllers)
@IBOutlet weak var titleView: DNSPageTitleView!
@IBOutlet weak var contentView: DNSPageContentView!
// 创建DNSPageStyle,设置样式
let style = DNSPageStyle()
style.titleViewBackgroundColor = UIColor.red
style.isShowCoverView = true
// 设置标题内容
let titles = ["头条", "视频", "娱乐", "要问", "体育"]
// 设置默认的起始位置
let startIndex = 2
// 对titleView进行设置
titleView.titles = titles
titleView.style = style
titleView.currentIndex = startIndex
// 最后要调用setupUI方法
// 创建每一页对应的controller
let childViewControllers: [ContentViewController] = titles.map { _ -> ContentViewController in
let controller = ContentViewController()
controller.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.randomColor
return controller
// 对contentView进行设置
contentView.childViewControllers = childViewControllers
contentView.startIndex = startIndex
contentView.style = style
// 最后要调用setupUI方法
// 让titleView和contentView进行联系起来
titleView.delegate = contentView
contentView.delegate = titleView
private lazy var pageViewManager: DNSPageViewManager = {
// 创建DNSPageStyle,设置样式
let style = DNSPageStyle()
style.isShowBottomLine = true
style.isTitleScrollEnable = true
style.titleViewBackgroundColor = UIColor.clear
// 设置标题内容
let titles = ["头条", "视频", "娱乐", "要问", "体育"]
// 创建每一页对应的controller
let childViewControllers: [ContentViewController] = titles.map { _ -> ContentViewController in
let controller = ContentViewController()
controller.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.randomColor
return controller
return DNSPageViewManager(style: style, titles: titles, childViewControllers: childViewControllers)
// 单独设置titleView的frame
navigationItem.titleView = pageViewManager.titleView
pageViewManager.titleView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 180, height: 44)
// 单独设置contentView的大小和位置,可以使用autolayout或者frame
let contentView = pageViewManager.contentView
contentView.snp.makeConstraints { (maker) in
/// 如果contentView中的view需要实现某些刷新的方法,请让对应的childViewController遵守这个协议
@objc public protocol DNSPageReloadable: class {
/// 如果需要双击标题刷新或者作其他处理,请实现这个方法
@objc optional func titleViewDidSelectedSameTitle()
/// 如果pageContentView滚动到下一页停下来需要刷新或者作其他处理,请实现这个方法
@objc optional func contentViewDidEndScroll()
DNSPageView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.