CaA - Collector and Analyzer, Insight into information, exploring with intelligence in a thousand ways.
Subdomain enumeration tool, asynchronous dns packets, use pcap to scan 1600,000 subdomains in 1 second
A fast sub domain brute tool for pentesters
对小米范webfinder 进行了小修改
一个用于web框架、CDN和CMS指纹识别的高性能命令行工具。A high-performance command-line tool for web framework, CDN and CMS fingerprinting.
A simple FOFA client written in JavaFX. Made by WgpSec, Maintained by f1ashine.
Jar Analyzer - 一个JAR包分析工具,批量分析,SCA漏洞分析,方法调用关系搜索,字符串搜索,Spring组件分析,信息泄露检查,CFG程序分析,JVM栈帧分析,进阶表达式搜索,字节码指令级的动态调试分析,反编译JAR包一键导出,一键提取序列化数据恶意代码,一键分析BCEL字节码
A fast tool to scan CRLF vulnerability written in Go
Search for sensitive data in Postman public library.
闭源系统半自动漏洞挖掘工具,针对 jar/war/zip 进行静态代码分析,输出从source到sink的可达路径。LLM将验证路径可达性,并根据上下文给出该路径可信分数
每小时更新中国IP范围列表,Update Mainland China ip‘s list in everyhour