A number of tools live in this directory that are intended for use by Envoy
developers (and potentially CI). These are host tools and should not be linked
into the Envoy target. They are based around Clang's
libtooling libraries, a C++
framework for writing Clang tools in the style of clang-format
To build tools in this tree, a Clang binary install must be available. If you
are building Envoy with clang
, this should already be true of your system. You
can find prebuilt binary releases of Clang at https://releases.llvm.org. You
will need the Clang version used by Envoy in CI (currently clang-10.0).
To build a tool, set the following environment variable:
export LLVM_CONFIG=<path to clang installation>/bin/llvm-config
Assuming that CC
and CXX
already point at Clang, you should be able to build
bazel build @envoy_dev//clang_tools/syntax_only
To run libtooling
based tools against Envoy, you will need to first generate a
compilation database, which tells the tool how to take a source file and locate
its various dependencies. The tools/gen_compilation_database.py
generates this and also does setup of the Bazel cache paths to allow external
dependencies to be located:
tools/gen_compilation_database.py --include_headers
Finally, the tool can be run against source files in the Envoy tree:
bazel-bin/external/envoy_dev/clang_tools/syntax_only/syntax_only \
Follow the example at tools/clang_tools/syntax_only
, based on the tutorial
example at https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibTooling.html. Please use the
Bazel macro for the tool, this disables use of
RTTI/exceptions and allows developer tools to be structurally excluded from the
build as needed.