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Web Chat consists of the following packages:


Stateful data layer as Redux store.

Unlike BotFramework-DirectLineJS, this data layer is stateful. For example, visibility of suggested actions is based on previous bot activities (previous state).


User interface layer exposed as React components.


This package serves two purposes.

  1. Entrypoint of our main package
  2. Monolithic .js files

It includes 3 different bundles:

  • webchat.js is the full bundle, contains Adaptive Cards, Cognitive Services, Direct Line Speech, Markdown, etc.
  • webchat-es5.js is built on top of full bundle, and contains polyfills required by ES5 browsers. For example, Internet Explorer 11.
  • webchat-minimal.js is the minimal bundle. It does not contain Adaptive Cards, etc.
    • Minimal bundle is roughly 50% the size of full bundle

Both bundles include support of Azure Bot Services channel:

  • Direct Line channel, exposed as createDirectLine() function
  • Direct Line Speech channel, exposed as createDirectLineSpeechAdapters() function
    • This is an adapter set consisting of directLine and webSpeechPonyfillFactory


Adapter set for using Web Chat with Direct Line Speech channel.


IFRAME hosting page at


These are non-published support packages for selecting the correct instance and version of react and react-dom for bundle.

For simplicity, Web Chat bundle its own version of React in webchat*.js. If the hosting page already loaded React as a global variable through window.React and window.ReactDOM, Web Chat prioritizes that instance over its own bundled version.


Proving ground for Web Chat during development. Local changes to Web Chat will be reflected in the playground.


For all packages, there are a total of 3 flavors and 2 build scripts.


We offer 3 build flavors:

Instrumented Minified Source maps

Instrumentation code is added by Istanbul via Babel. Minification is carried out by Terser via Webpack. Eval source maps took 1.6s to load in browser, while code without source maps only took 300-500ms to load. Thus, test build should not contains source maps.

Tests run locally will use the development build without any code coverage collection.

To select different build flavors, set node_env to:

  • production
  • test
  • development (default)


We offer 2 types of build processes:

  • npm run build will build once
  • npm start will build continuously with watch