Lists (1)
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BeidouCloudPlatform / sealos
Forked from labring/sealoskubernetes高可用安装工具,一条命令,离线安装,包含所有依赖,内核负载不依赖haproxy keepalived,纯golang开发,99年证书,支持v1.16.4 v1.15.7 v1.14.10 v1.17.0!
xumng123 / clash
Forked from fossabot/clashA rule-based tunnel in Go.
Strategy mix for Badger DAO Strategies, for Sett V3 architecture (Yearn V1 Style)
grostim / fava-docker
Forked from yegle/fava-dockerA Dockerfile for beancount-fava
HenryQW / mercury-parser-api
Forked from postlight/parser-api🐋 A Dockerized drop-in replacement for the Mercury Parser API.
openshift / oauth-proxy
Forked from bitly/oauth2_proxyA reverse proxy that provides authentication with OpenShift via OAuth and Kubernetes service accounts
jgraph / docker-drawio
Forked from fjudith/docker-draw.ioDockerized based on whichever is the most secure image at the time.
alkaperl / wireguard-docker
Forked from cmulk/wireguard-dockerWireguard setup in Docker on Debian stable kernel meant for a simple personal VPN
Sansui233 / proxypool
Forked from yourp112/proxypool自动抓取tg频道、订阅地址、公开互联网上的ss、ssr、vmess、trojan节点信息,聚合去重后提供节点列表
Dockerized MediaWiki running under PHP-FPM. Based on the official PHP7 image. Packaged with VisualEditor plugin and Parsoid service.
BitMEX / sample-market-maker
Forked from chrisacheson/liquidbotSample BitMEX Market Making Bot
laurilehmijoki / jekyll-s3
Forked from ddollar/jekyll-s3Push your Jekyll Blog to Amazon S3!
The Jekyll Template for
derky1202 / fancy-buttons
Forked from imathis/fancy-buttonsFancy CSS Buttons using Compass
derky1202 / pomodoro
Forked from ugol/pomodoroTime management for your Mac