DevedUp Ltd
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OHAttributedLabel Public
Forked from AliSoftware/OHAttributedLabelUILabel that supports NSAttributedString
Objective-C UpdatedJul 7, 2016 -
MAZeroingWeakRef Public
Forked from mikeash/MAZeroingWeakRefZeroing weak references for retain/release Objective-C
Objective-C Other UpdatedJul 7, 2016 -
SwipeView Public
Forked from nicklockwood/SwipeViewSwipeView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of horizontal, paged scrolling views on iOS. It is based on a UIScrollView, but adds convenient functionality such as a UITableView-styl…
Objective-C Other UpdatedJul 7, 2016 -
An Xcode script to generate a constants file for storyboard identifiers
AppleBugReportTableScroll Public
Example UITableView animation issue for Apple Bug Report
Swift UpdatedNov 6, 2015 -
MagicalRecord Public
Forked from magicalpanda/MagicalRecordSuper Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data 1!!!11!!!!1!
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedOct 8, 2015 -
SpringyUICollectionView Public
Using UIDynamics to give collection view cells the same effect you see in Messages app
UpdatedSep 4, 2015 -
StretchyUICollectionView Public
A UICollectionView with a stretchy zoomy top image using autolayout
CollectionViewAnimations Public
Sample project demonstrating UICollectionViewFlowLayout
ajax-file-upload-struts2 Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/ajax-file-upload-struts2
Java UpdatedApr 2, 2015 -
GPUImage Public
Forked from BradLarson/GPUImageAn open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
Objective-C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 26, 2014 -
Specs Public
Forked from CocoaPods/SpecsA repository of CocoaPods (cocoapods.org) specifications.
Ruby UpdatedAug 25, 2013 -
AHEasing Public
Forked from chrismiles/AHEasingA library of easing functions for C, C++ and Objective-C