Laravel blade UI component library built on TALL stack (TailwindCSS, Alpine.js, Laravel, Livewire).
Please refer to the TallCraftUI official website for complete documentation. 🚀
$countries = App\Models\Country::pluck('name', 'id');
<form wire:submit="create">
<x-input label="Name *" wire:model="name" />
<x-input label="Email *" wire:model="email" />
<x-select label="Country" wire:model="country_id" :options="$countries" />
<x-button label="Submit" spinner="create" />
Error will be automatically displayed after submitting the form if it exists. You can also display all errors in this way:
<x-alert :errors="$errors->all()" red />
composer require developermithu/tallcraftui
php artisan install:tallcraftui
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: "#6d28d9",
secondary: "#a21caf",
To rename tallcraftui components with a custom prefix, first publish the configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tallcraftui-config
return [
* Default prefix for all components
* Note: After changing the prefix, clear the view cache
* using `php artisan view:clear`
* Examples:
* prefix => '' // <x-input />
* prefix => 'tc-' // <x-tc-input />
'prefix' => '',
After renaming, ensure you clear the view cache:
php artisan view:clear