This directory contains example models meant to test and demonstrate Mesa's features, and provide demonstrations for how to build and analyze agent-based models. For more information on each model, see its own Readme and documentation.
A cellular automaton model where agents opinions are influenced by that of their neighbors. As the model evolves, color patches representing the prevailing opinion in a given area expand, contract, and sometimes disappear.
Implementation of Conway's Game of Life, a cellular automata where simple rules can give rise to complex patterns.
Joshua Epstein's model of how a decentralized uprising can be suppressed or reach a critical mass of support.
Boids-style flocking model, demonstrating the use of agents moving through a continuous space following direction vectors.
Simple cellular automata of a fire spreading through a forest of cells on a grid, based on the NetLogo Fire model.
Grid-based demographic prisoner's dilemma model, demonstrating how simple mimicing can lead to the emergence of widespread cooperation -- and how a model activation regime can change its outcome.
Mesa implementation of the classic Schelling segregation model.
Example of grid display and direction showing agents in the form of arrow-head shape.
Completed code to go along with the tutorial on making a simple model of how a highly-skewed wealth distribution can emerge from simple rules.
Implementation of an ecological model of predation and reproduction, based on the NetLogo Wolf Sheep Predation model.