Section 3: Magento Core JavaScript Library (19%)
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3.1 Demonstrate understanding of the mage library
Describe different types of Magento JavaScript templates
Magento pseudo ES6 literals and underscore templates in Magento
Describe how to use storage and cookies for JavaScript modules
How do you use cookies in the module?
How is localStorage used in Magento?
Demonstrate the ability to use the JavaScript translation framework
How are CSV translations exported to be available in JavaScript modules?
How is a new translation phrase added using JavaScript methods?
Describe the capabilities of the JavaScript framework utils components
What are the different components available through the mage/utils module?
Demonstrate the ability to use and customize the validation module
What is the architecture of the validation modules in Magento?
How can a custom validation rule be added?
How can an existing rule be customized?
3.2 Demonstrate understanding of mage widgets
Describe the collapsible jQuery widgets in the Magento JavaScript library and how to use them
Which collapsible widgets are available in Magento?
Demonstrate the ability to use the popup and modal widgets
How do you create a new popup, dialog, or modal with the Magento components?
Describe the different jQuery widgets in the Magento JavaScript library
Which other widgets are available in the Magento JavaScript library?
3.3 Demonstrate the ability to use the customer-data module
Demonstrate understanding of the customer-data module concept
Why do we need to store information in the browser?
What are performance considerations?
Demonstrate understanding of how to use the customer-data module in customizations
How is the customer-data module structured?
How is data accessed, invalidated, or set?
Describe how to use sections.xml to modify the information available through the customer-data module
How can a sections.xml file be used to add a new section and to modify the invalidation rules of an existing section?
How can a customization change the way existing sections work?