A python Asyncronous MQTT interface to Lutron Casetta Devices
Uses the LEAP protocol.
Needs a Lutron Bridge or Bridge Pro 2
Python 3.6 or above only (uses asyncio)
pylutron-caseta (see https://github.com/gurumitts/pylutron-caseta)
usage: lutron.py [-h] [-t TOPIC] [-T FEEDBACK] [-b BROKER] [-p PORT] [-U USER] [-P PASSWD] [-l LOG] [-J] [-D] [--version] bridgeip
Forward MQTT data to Lutron API
positional arguments:
bridgeip Bridge ip Address (default: None)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC
MQTT Topic to send commands to, (can use # and +) default: /lutron/command)
Topic on broker to publish feedback to (default: /lutron/feedback)
-b BROKER, --broker BROKER
ipaddress of MQTT broker (default: None)
-p PORT, --port PORT MQTT broker port number (default: 1883)
-U USER, --user USER MQTT broker user name (default: None)
-P PASSWD, --passwd PASSWD
MQTT broker password (default: None)
-l LOG, --log LOG path/name of log file (default: ./lutron.log)
-J, --json_out publish topics as json (vs individual topics) (default: False)
-D, --debug debug mode
--version Display version of this program
./lutron.py -b
is the ip address of your bridge, and
is the ip address of your MQTT broker
The first time you run the command, you will be prompted to pair with the bridge by pressing the button on the bridge. This will download the neccessary certificates to allow secure communications. You only need to do this the first time you connect.