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Tmux Project Switcher

Quickly switch between tmux sessions that represent a project/repo.

tmux-project-switcher will open a popup with all those leaf folders, where you'll be able to fuzzy find a project you can switch to. When selected, it will either switch to that session or create a new session, and change into the right directory.


  • fzf
  • Ruby
  • Tmux >= 3.2 (still a rc)
  • (optional) Works well with gh for quickly cloning projects

Tmux 3.2 popup window

This plugin works with the popup window, which is only supported in some of the newer tmux versions. If you use brew you can install it with brew install --HEAD tmux

To check if that's working fine run inside a tmux session tmux popup. An empty popup should appear.

Installation with TPM

Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in ~/.tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'dgmora/tmux-project-switcher'

tmux-prefix + I to install the plugin


Follow the setup section and use ctrl + opt + p to see a list of repos/sessions. Note that it's expected that you are within tmux when running this.


The default configuration assumes that you have a file structure like this:

└── src
    │     ├── dgmora
    │     │   ├── repo1
    │     │   └── tmux-project-switcher
    │     └── tmux
    │         └── repo3
          └── DavidMora
              └── an-enterprise-repo
  • A root folder with all your projects in $HOME/src.
  • Your projects are at depth 3 from that folder. This is important becaus what you see in the popup will be all folders at that depth from the root. 1st level would be, second dgmora and third tmux-project-switcher.
  • The "meaningful name" of the project is the last 2 folders. i.e. dgmora/tmux-project-switcher. this will be used for the tmux session name. 2 is used because of git forks. 1 can be used but won't work super well if you have forks
  • The default key to trigger the switcher is -n C-m-p, so ctrl + opt + P (without prefix).

Changing default settings

Most of settings can be overwritten so you can use a different file structure.

You can overwrite the default key by adding this to your tmux.conf:

set -g @switcher-key 'C-M-t' # This would be ctrl + M + t with prefix
set -g @switcher-key '-n C-M-i' # This would be ctrl + M + i without prefix

Note that with some keys you can have issues with vim, so it might be that some of them don't work.

To overwrite the base folder, these settings are taken into account: GH_BASE_DIR if set (used by gh too). TMUX_PROJECT_SWITCHER_ROOT_FOLDER if set. Or $HOME/src as default


For the number of folders used to name the session: TMUX_PROJECT_SWITCHER_FOLDERS_AMOUNT if set, 2

To change the popup itself, you can change TMUX_PROJECT_SWITCHER_FZF_COMMAND. The default is fzf-tmux -w80% -h100% --preview ''


TPM for making it so easy to create tmux plugins for inspiration on how to make it work with ruby! for making screengif to come up with such a simple but great idea to organize your repos