The project contains all the components required to create an integration to an Enterprise System Of Records (AWS Oracle RDS)
Build a process to create an integration to Oracle Database that serves the purpose of Enterprise System Of Records.
- Alfresco Process Services (powered by Activiti) (Version 1.9 and above) - If you don't have it already, you can download a 30 day trial from Alfresco Process Services (APS).Instructions & help available at Activiti Docs, Alfresco BPM Community
- The Oracle Database is created as AWS RDS.
Follow the steps per AWS Documentation to create an AWS Oracle RDS
Download the ojdbc7.jar file from Oracle site
Copy the ojdbc7.jar to tomcat/lib location of APS server. eg: /usr/share/tomcat/lib/ojdbc7.jar
Restart APS
Create data source using the values mentioned in APS article
Name : aps-custom-oracle-db JDBC URL : jdbc:oracle:thin:@//aws-db-end-point:port-number/ORCL Driver Class : oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver User Name : db-username Password : db-password
- Import the app available in this project into Activiti.
- Process Flow.
- Data Model Configuration in Process.
- Data Model Configuration in Application.
- Publish/Deploy the APS App.
- Verify the data entered through the APS form:
- Verify the data in AWS RDS Oracle Database using SQL Developer: