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Inventory Setups

Active Installs Plugin Rank

Save gear setups for specific activities.


During this guide, some buttons/icons might look different compared to your client. This is because some pictures and gifs may be outdated.

Creating a New Setup

To start, turn on the plugin and click on the equipment panel icon on the sidebar.

Panel Icon

To create a new setup, gear up for the activity you would like to save, and then click on the green plus button at the top. It will prompt for a name, and then will take your current inventory and equipment and create a new setup.

Green Plus Button

Setups must have a unique name and have a maximum length of 50 characters.

Overview Panel

The overview panel contains all the setups and options to manipulate them.

Viewing a Setup

You can view the setup by clicking on the view setups button (the eye icon). You can see that your inventory, equipment, spellbook, additional filtered items (explained later) and notes are saved in the setup. Additional ammunition containers like the rune pouch, bolt pouch, and quiver will also be displayed if present.

View Setup

View Setup

It is also possible to view setups in game. You can do this by right-clicking the "Show worn items" button in the top left of the bank, and clicking on one of your setups.

View Setups in Game

In the config there are options to change which setups show up on the "show worn items" menu.

You can go back to the overview panel by clicking on the back arrow in the top right.

Return to Overview Panel

You can also search for setups using the search bar. When typing in the search bar, setups will be filtered if they contain the search text. By default, the search criteria will filter the setups by their names. If you want to search for setups containing specific items, prefix your search with item:, e.g. item:brew. Similarly, you can search for setups containing specific notes with notes:<text>.

Search Bar

Compact Mode

You can switch the overview panel to "compact" mode by clicking on the switch view button at the top. Compact mode will only show the names of the setups on a shorter panel with no options so more can be seen without needing to scroll.

Compact Mode

Icon Mode

Clicking the switch view button again will move you to Icon view. Icon mode will only show a small icon so you can fit even more setups.

Icon Mode

You can update an icon by right-clicking a setup in Icon view and clicking "Update Icon..". By default, setups will try to use your weapon if no icon is provided. If there is no weapon, it will use a default icon (Cake of Guidance).

Update Icon

Click a third time on the switch view button at the top to go back to standard view. You can use the button to cycle all 3 views.

Sorting Modes

Sorting modes allow for setups to be ordered in the overview panel in different ways.

Currently, there is only one additional sorting mode, alphabetical. This will organize all setups alphabetically. You can return to the default sorting mode through the config or by clicking the alphabetical sort button.

Alphabetical Mode

Moving a Setup

Is it possible to move a setup up and down the list by right-clicking near the setup name and selecting one of the menu options.

Move Setups

You cannot move setups if a sorting mode is enabled.


You can favorite your setups so they always appear at the top of the list unless you are searching for a setup.


Editing a Setup

When viewing a setup, you can right-click individual slots to update them, either from inventory/equipment, or from search. If you select from inventory/equipment, it will take the corresponding item from your inventory/equipment and update the slot.

Update Slot from Inventory

If you select from search, it will open a search menu where you can search for the item, and then ask for a quantity if applicable.

Update Slot from Search

There is an option to update all occurrences of an item with a new item via container or search. This will update ALL setups which contain this item.

This is useful if you want to "upgrade" an item. For example, if you recently got an Infernal Cape, you can replace all instances of your Fire Cape in all setups to the Infernal Cape with this feature.

To access this feature, SHIFT + Right-Click an inventory or equipment slot and select one of the two options.

Update All from Inventory Or Search

The Rune pouch, Bolt Pouch, and quiver can also be updated with these options.

Update Slot from Rune Pouch

There is an option to remove items as well.

Remove Slot

These options are only available when logged in.

You can also refresh an entire setup by using the refresh icon when viewing a setup.

Refresh Button

You can update the spellbook by right-clicking the slot and choosing the desired spellbook. There is also an option for none if you do not care about the spellbook for a particular setup.

Update Spellbook

Bank Filtering and Layouts

One of the many buttons on each inventory setup panel is a bank filtering option. Enabling this will cause the bank to only show the items in your setup in a customizable layout when it is selected. This is very similar to the Bank Tags plugin.

With layouts enabled, items can be dragged however you like without affecting their actual positions in the bank. If your setup has multiple of an item, Inventory Setups will duplicate that item for you. You can disable this in the settings.

Bank Tags plugin must be ON to use this feature. Inventory Setups will warn the user if filtering and layouts cannot be used.

If you previously used Hub Plugin Bank Tag Layouts only for Inventory Setups, it is recommended that you uninstall it. It is not required anymore.

Bank Filtering

Layouts will automatically be managed by Inventory Setups as you create, remove, edit, export, import, and manipulate your setups. If you'd like to reset only the layout of an inventory setup, you can right-click the "Show worn items" menu and select the auto layout option.

Currently, there are two default layouts, Preset and ZigZag. You can change the default layout for newly created setups in the settings. Layouts will create duplicates of an item for you if you have multiple of that item in your setup. You can disable this in the settings as well.

Auto Layouts

The core work of the layouts is done by the Bank Tags plugin. This also includes integration with potion storage.

Classic Filtering

You can disable layouts and go back to classic filtering by unchecking the "Use Layouts" option in the settings. This will globally disable layouts.

Disable Layouts

NOTE: Some custom fuzzy mappings will not work with classic filtering.

Potion Storage

Bank Tags will put potions from potion storage into your layout. Only the dose that you have selected in potion storage will be available from your layout. This is a limitation of potion storage.

Make sure you do not have placeholders of the potion in your bank that you want to pull from potion storage. Bank tags will prefer to show the placeholder first before pulling from potion storage.

A common way to integrate with potion storage is to have 1 dose potions for pre-potting in your actual bank, with the rest of the doses (without placeholders) in your potion storage set to the 4 dose option.


You can enable highlighting to further assist in gearing up. Highlighting will cause slots to change color if an item in the player's inventory or equipment doesn't match the corresponding slot in the setup being viewed. To turn on highlighting, click on the button that looks like a highlighter. You can also change the highlight color with the next button over. There are also a few highlighting options for each setup.

Normal Highlighting

Stack Difference

Enabling this will cause a slot to become highlighted if the stack size of the item in the player's inventory or equipment does not match the corresponding slot in the setup being viewed. This might be useful if you are at the chaos altar training prayer, and you want to be sure you don't bring more gp than needed to unnote the bones.

Greater than or less than stack difference can also be selected. These highlight if the item stack in the inventory is greater than or less than the amount in the setup respectively. This can be useful if you want a reminder that a stack is too low or too high.

Stack Difference

Note that you must have base highlighting enabled in order to use this feature. There is a configuration option to set the default stack compare type for each slot when creating new setups.

Fuzzy Difference

Normally, Inventory Setups requires items to be exactly the same as those in the setup, else it will highlight the item, or not include it in the bank filter. This works for most items, but there are some cases where this is not desirable. Degradable items from Barrows are a great example. Ahrim's robetop 75 should be considered the same as Ahrim's robetop 100 for the purposes of highlighting and filtering.

It is possible to configure Inventory Setups to fix this issue using the "fuzzy" difference indicator. You can do this by right-clicking any slot in the inventory or equipment panels, and selecting "Toggle Fuzzy". A "*" will appear in the top right corner of the slot if it is marked as fuzzy. The fuzzy indicator will make it so "similar" items are treated as equal for highlighting and filtering purposes.

Fuzzy Difference Highlight

As you can see, there are different types of items that the "fuzzy" indicator can be used on. Jewellery with different charges, degradable items like Barrows, and potions with different doses are a few examples.

The fuzzy indicator will also impact bank layouts.

Fuzzy Difference Filtering

There is a configuration option to set all slots to fuzzy when creating new setups.

Unordered Highlighting

Enabling this will cause highlighting to ignore order and only highlight items in the setup that are not present in the player's inventory. This is useful if you don't care about order and just want to make sure your inventory has all the items in the selected setup. It will not inform the player if they have extra items in their inventory that are not in the setup.

Unordered Highlighting

Additional Filtered Items

You can add additional filtered items to setups. These are items that will show up in the bank filter along with the rest of the setup. This is really useful for things such as pre-potting, where you need the item at the bank but not at the activity the filter is made for. Follow these steps to add an additional filtered item:

  • Select a setup
  • Break the bank filter and navigate to the item you want to add to the additional items filter
  • Hold SHIFT and RIGHT-CLICK on the item and select "Add to Additional Filtered Items"
  • The item will now show in the bank filter and in the "Additional Filtered Items" section
  • You can remove an item from this list by right-clicking and selecting "Remove Item from Slot"

You can also add or update items by using the search option. The fuzzy indicator can also be added to additional filtered items.

Additional Filtered Items

Ground Item Menu Options

Menu options on ground items can be swapped and highlighted for items in the current selected setup. This is particularly useful for UIMs when re-gearing from a death pile.

First, configure this feature inside the Ground Item Menu Options section of the settings. If a setup is selected, menu entries corresponding to items in the setup will be highlighted. Entries can also be swapped to the top or the bottom of the menu entries based on the setting configuration.

Ground Item Menu Options

To use this effectively as a UIM, set the priority of menu swapping to OUT. This will cause all items not in your setup (i.e., in your looting bag), to go to the top of the menu entries. From here you can quickly grab the items and store them in the looting bag. The remaining items on the floor will only be items in the setup that are not in the looting bags and that you would want to bring to your current activity.

This is not a perfect solution, however. It's possible to have the same items in the looting bag and in the setup. One example is runes in a rune pouch. One might have a stack of blood runes in the looting bag and blood runes in the rune pouch. In these situations, the blood runes will be considered in the setup and be swapped/hightlighted.

Additionally, the unnote/note conversion is disabled by default when considering the swapping/highlighting. If you wish to have this conversion, mark the item as fuzzy in your setup. This is useful if you want a noted stack of potions to appear IN your setup even if you plan to put it in the looting bag after unnoting some at the bank.


Sections are a way to organize your setups into different categories. Here is a preview of what sections look like.

Section Preview

To get started, click on the section mode button at the top of the panel.

Section Mode

When you are in the section mode view, the add and import buttons can now be used to add or import sections instead of setups. You will also see the "Unassigned" section which shows all setups which are not assigned to a section.

Section Create

Like setups, section names have a maximum length of 50 and must be unique.

Adding Setups to a Section

To add setups to your section, there are two ways to do this. You can right-click a section and select "Add setups to section..". This will open a dialogue where you can select setups to add to the section.

You can also right-click a setup and select "Add setup to sections.." This will open a dialogue where you can select sections for the setup to be a part of.

With both dialogues, you can CTRL + Click to select multiple options. The setups/sections displayed on the dialogue will be in alphabetical order.

Add Setups to Section

Once you have setups added to a section, you can view them by clicking the maximize arrow. You can minimize a section by clicking the arrow again.

Duplicate setups are not allowed in a section. If you selected setups which already exist in a section, they will not be added again. However, a setup can be a part of as many different sections as you'd like.

You can use the search bar to search for setups while in section mode. Any sections that don't have a matching setup will be hidden, and sections which do have a matching setup will automatically be maximized.

Remove Setups from a Section

Remove from Section

To remove a setup from a section, make sure you are in section view. Then you can right-click on a setup and select "Remove from section". This will remove the setup from that section.

Do not use the X button to remove a setup from a section. This will simply delete your setup. When a setup is deleted, it will be removed from all sections.

Moving Setups in a Section

You can right-click a setup while in section mode and select one of the move options to move a setup within a section. This will not affect the position of the setup in the normal view. It only modifies the position within the section.

Section Menu Options

Right-clicking a section will show a menu with some options. Here you can move the section, export it, add setups to it, and delete it.

Sections Right-Click Menu

Unassigned Section

The "Unassigned" section contains all setups which are not assigned to a section. It cannot be modified or deleted, and will always appear at the bottom. The setups can be searched for, viewed and added to other sections. Once a setup is added to a section, it will be removed from the unassigned section. If there are no "Unassigned" setups, this section will be hidden.

With this section, you do not need to switch from section mode to normal mode when attempting to view or modify a setup that is not in a section, and will give you an easy way to identify setups that may need a section. You can also minimize and maximize it just like any other section.

Exporting and Importing Setups and Sections

It is possible to import and export inventory setups and sections. This is useful if you would like to share your setups with your friends. To export an inventory setup, click on the export button next to the view setup button. This will copy the setup to your clipboard. You can then send this to your friends.

To export a section, right-click a section in section view and select the appropriate option.

Export Setup

To import a setup, click on the green import button at the top and select "Import setup...". It will prompt for a setup. Paste the setup and confirm.The new setup will be added to the bottom of the list of setups.

Import Setup

You can also mass import or export by right-clicking the import button and following the instructions. This is a good way to make a backup of your setups offline, although if you are logged into RuneLite your profile data is stored.

Setups will be exported with layout data.

Mass Import Export

Note About Importing

Duplicate names for setups or sections are not allowed in Inventory Setups. If you attempt to import a section or setup that has a name which already exists, the plugin will find a new name for it by adding a number to the end.

Exporting to Bank Tags

You can export an Inventory Setup to Bank Tag format by right-clicking the export button and selecting "Export Setup to Bank Tag Tab", then importing this into Bank Tags.

Export to Bank Tag Tab

Other Plugin Compatibilities

Bank Tags and Hub Plugin Bank Tag Layouts

The Bank Tags plugin must be ON to use all features of Inventory Setups, specifically bank layouts and filtering. Inventory Setups will warn the user if filtering and layouts cannot be used. This warning will also provide an option to turn on Bank Tags for you.

Hub Plugin Bank Tag Layouts is not required for Inventory Setups anymore. If you were only using the plugin for Inventory Setups, it's recommended that you uninstall the plugin. If you have layout data from Bank Tag Layouts, Inventory Setups will attempt to migrate the layout data the first time you use the plugin.

Configuration Settings

In the settings of Inventory Setups, you can change default setup options, key binds, ground item menu options, and other miscellaneous settings.

Configuration Settings

Default Setup Options

  • Default Display Color - The default color that will be used as a display color for new setups. The option above must be enabled
  • Default Enable Display Color - Enabling this will make it so all newly created setups will have the default display color. The display color is the thin colored line on Standard and Compact setup panels

Display Color Gif

Hint: You can right-click the paint bucket to delete the color of a setup or section.

  • Default Filter Bank - Enabling this will make it so all newly created setups will have bank filtering enabled
  • Default Fuzzy - Enabling this will make all slots fuzzy for newly created setups
  • Default Highlight - Enabling this will make it so all newly created setups will have highlighting enabled
  • Default Highlight Color - The default highlighting color for newly created setups
  • Default Highlight Unordered Difference - Enabling this will make it so all newly created setups will have unordered highlighting enabled
  • Default Stack Compare - The default stack comparison type for all slots in newly created setups

HotKey Options

  • Filter Bank Hotkey - Pressing this will cause the bank to filter if a setup is selected and filtering is enabled for that setup. This is useful if you canceled the filter while banking and want to quickly refilter
  • Persist Hotkeys Outside Bank - Enabling this will cause hot keys to persist outside the bank
  • Return To Setups Hotkey - Pressing this key will exit the current setup and return to the overview panel where all setups are shown
  • Toggle section mode - Pressing this will switch to section mode

Layout Options

  • Add Duplicates - Add duplicate items if you have multiple of that item in your setup when creating layouts
  • Default Layout - The default layout used when setups are created
  • Use Layouts - Globally enable customizable layouts. Uncheck this to disable layouts and only use classic filtering

Ground Item Menu Options

  • Highlight Menu Entries on Ground Items - Highlights menu entries on ground items which exist in your current setup
  • Highlight Menu Entries Color - Changes the color of the menu entries that are highlighted if the above option is selected
  • Swap Menu Entries on Ground Items - Swaps menu entries for ground items which exist in your current setup
  • Menu Entries Priority on Ground Items - Sets which ground item menu entries appear the top if the above option is selected. Either IN - inside the setup, or OUT - not in the setup

Other Options

  • Enable Layout Warning - Enables the warning message that layouts will not work when starting inventory setups.
  • Hide Help Button - Hides the help button
  • Manual Bank Filter - Enabling this causes the bank to not filter automatically when opened. You will need to manually trigger a bank filter by using a hot key or selecting a setup when the bank when it is already opened
  • Panel View - The type of panel view. Standard, Compact, or Icon
  • Require Active Panel for Filtering - Enabling this will make it so filtering will only occur if the Inventory Setups Panel is selected. For example, if you have selected the hiscores panel and are viewing a setup with filtering enabled, the bank will not be filtered
  • Section Mode - Toggles section mode. Can also be selected on the main window of Inventory Setups
  • Show Worn Item Filter - Changes which setups show up on the "show worn items" button when right-clicked
  • Sorting Mode - The current sorting mode. It is equivalent to pressing the sorting mode button on the overview panel
  • Worn Items Section Submenus - Allows section submenus when right-clicking the "show worn items" button

Section Submenus

Data Storage

Data for inventory setups is stored in your <profile_name>.properties file. This will be found in your .runelite/profiles2 folder in your user directory. For example, in Windows, the path may look like C:\Users\<username>\.runelite\profiles2\<profile_name>.properties.

Once you've found your <profile_name>.properties file, a particular setup's data can be found under the key inventorySetups.setupsV3_<setup_name_hash>. The order of setups is found under inventorysetups.setupsOrderV3_.

Section data can be found under the key inventorySetups.sections.

Layout data is stored under the Bank Tag config group. An example would look like banktags.layout_<custom_marker><hash_of_setup_name>. A custom marker is used to stop collisions with Bank Tags.

Inventory Setups will sync your data to the cloud if you are signed in to RuneLite. It is still a good idea to mass export your setups every once in a while, especially if you aren't signed in to RuneLite.

Support and Suggestions

If you need help, have any suggestions, or notice any bugs, you can comment them here in the issues section. If you do not have a github account, you can send a message to this reddit account:


Inventory Setups was developed by me in my free time (200+ hours of work). I did it for fun and to make something that others and myself would enjoy using without any intention of making money. However, if you'd like to donate to me, you can use this link. Any amount is greatly appreciated!



Integration with core Bank Tag for layouts which has potion storage support.


Added Icon mode and optimizations for how setups are stored


Added sections and display colors to setups and sections


Added ability to filter which setups are listed on "show worn items". Added favorites. Added ability to remove the bank tab separators. Added config option for manual bank filtering. Added mass import and export of setups. Added support for bolt pouch


Toggle fuzzy now supports more items like God capes, twisted ancestral, and skilling outfits


Added update window for patch notes and helpful links. Added configuration option to make all slots fuzzy in new setups. Added fuzzy options for additional filtered items. Made stack comparison slot specific.


Reworked Variation Differences into Fuzzy Filtering, added specific filtering, more config settings, and improved update by search input


Added additional filtered items, remove options for slots, updated stack button


Added notes, alphabetical sorting mode, more options to move setups, and more options to update rune pouch slots


Added ability to switch setups in game with "Show worn items" button. Added spellbook to setups. Added help button (which can be disabled in the config settings)


Added compact view and the ability to move setups up and down the list


Added search bar and hotkeys for returning to setups and filtering bank


Added Reset all button and rune pouch support.


Settings, bank filtering, unordered highlighting, and update individual slots added


Import and export feature added


Plugin added