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The RethinkDB build system

To build RethinkDB, run:

./configure --allow-fetch

The --allow-fetch option tells make to fetch and build missing dependencies.

The full list of options accepted by the configure script can be listed with ./configure --help. The full list of variables that can be passed to make are documented in mk/ The possible targets are described below.


Useful targets and variables during development.

  • make clean: Remove the entire build/ directory.

  • make SHOW_COUNTDOWN=0: Do not prefix make output with the rule count (such as [3/301]).

  • make VERBOSE=1: Display each command being executed and their output.

  • make -j <n>: Build in parallel. A good default for <n> is the amount of cores plus one.


The server may depend on some of the fetched dependencies. Accessing its web UI also requires the web assets.

  • make rethinkdb: Only build the server executable.

  • make tags, make etags: Generate tag files used by vim and emacs.

  • make ALLOW_WARNINGS=1: Do not fail if the C++ compiler generates a warning, by disabling -Werror.

  • ./configure CXX=... CXXFLAGS=...: Build with a different compiler or flags.

  • ./configure --ccache: Speed up repeated builds using ccache.

  • RethinkDB employees can use ./configure CXX=recc to speed up the build. The executable, in newton:/usr/local/bin/recc, wraps both ccache and distcc to distribute the build across our server infrastructure and cache the result.

  • There is a check-syntax target that can be used with emacs' flymake-mode.

  • make SYMBOLS=1: Include debugging symbols.

  • make DEBUG=1: Build in debug mode.

  • When building on older distributions or porting to different platforms, these make options can also be useful: THREADED_COROUTINES=1 NO_EVENTFD=1 NO_EPOLL=1 BUILD_PORTABLE=1 or LEGACY_LINUX=1

Web assets

  • make web-assets: Build only the web assets.

  • If there is a precompiled/web folder, the web assets will not be rebuilt unless the --disable-precompiled-web flag is passed to ./configure


  • make ruby-driver: Build the Ruby driver

  • make python-driver: Build the Python driver.

  • make js-driver: Build the JavaScript driver.

  • make drivers: Build all the drivers.


  • make unit: Build and run the unit tests.

  • make test: Run the unit tests, reql tests and integration tests. The TEST variables determines which tests to run. See scripts/ -h for more documentation.


  • make support or make support-<dep>: Build the dependencies that have not been built yet.

  • make fetch or make fetch-<dep>: Fetch the dependencies that have not yet been fetched.

  • make build-<dep>: Rebuild a given dependency.

  • make clean-<dep>: Clean the build directory of a given dependency.

  • install-include-<dep>: Copy the include files from the given dependency.


  • ./configure --prefix: Set the prefix folder used by make install.

  • make install: Install RethinkDB to the prefix. If the DESTDIR variable is passed, install the files there. If STRIP_ON_INSTALL=1 is passed, also strip the executable.

  • make install-binaries install-web: Only install the server executable and the web assets.


Packaging is usually automated by the Jenkins instance running on dr-doom:8888 in out intranet.

  • make build-deb-src UBUNTU_RELEASE=<name> PACKAGE_BUILD_NUMBER=<n>: Build a package for the given Ubuntu version. Jenkins sends these packages to launchpad:

  • make build-osx: Build a dmg installer for OS X. Jenkins always builds the dmg on OS X 10.7.5.

  • make dist: Build a source distribution.

  • The CentOS RPM are built with scripts/

The build system

Some of the flags and targets can be used to debug the build system itself.

  • make var-<VAR>: Print the value of the given variable.

  • make -B: Force rebuilding all files.

  • make -d: Tell make to dump a lot of debug information.

  • make IGNORE_MAKEFILE_CHANGES=1: Do not rebuild files if the makefiles have changes.

  • make SHOW_BUILD_REASON=1: Show which file triggered each rule.

  • make dump-db or make -p: Dump the make database.

  • make command-line: Print the real make command line used to build RethinkDB. On some old, unpatched versions of GNU make this is required to use -j.

  • make debug-count: Debug the count feature.

To be able to invoke make from a subdirectory, a Makefile must exist. It usually looks like this:

OVERRIDE_GOALS ?= default-goal=<default target for this directory>
TOP := <relative path to the top of the rethinkdb source tree>
include $(TOP)/Makefile