The original KDP-2 software relies on several subroutines from "Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77, 2nd Edition" (NR). In Koko, these subroutines were either removed or re-implemented using open-source software. The following table lists the subroutines providing the functionality of the original NR subroutines.
KDP-2 (NR) | Koko | Function |
caldat julday julday1 |
removed | Julian date |
sort darray_sort |
sortdmat dpsort |
Array sorting |
spline splint |
splineint cubicspline |
Spline interpolation |
svdcmp[ab] svbksb[ab] pythag |
svdsub svd |
Solve linear equations |
ranran gasdev |
random_number [sd]rand_normal |
Random number generation |
bessj1 | bessel_j1 | Bessel function 1st kind |