The sql runner is a tool that will execute Sql statements from a file. The tool can be used as both a test tool or a tool that simply executes a set of sql statements including inserts and updates.
Command Line
- Full command line example: ./sqlrunner -script_file test.sql -script_delimiter : -validate -env dev -log_level DEBUG
- Working command line example: ./sqlrunner -script_file test.sql -validate -env dev
- script_file - (required) This is a file the sql runner reads and executes. This file contains a set of Sql statements to execute.
- host - (required) The Quanta host to connect to.
- user - (required) The Quanta user to use to connect.
- password - (required) The Quanta password to use to connect.
- database - (optional) The Quanta database to connect to. The default is 'quanta'.
- port - (optional) The port to connect to. The default is 4000.
- validate - (optional) boolean that specifies where to perform data validation or not. If you just want to insert data, this could be removed from the command line.
- log_level - set this to DEBUG if you want to enable additional logging.
Script File
- Each line in the script file contains the Sql statement to execute.
- Comment out lines by prepending the line with either a # or --
- If you have the validate option enabled, separate the Sql statement from the expected row count with a '@' (or whatever delimiter you specify).
- Only Select, Insert, and Update statements are currently supported. Insert and Update statements do not require an expected rowcount with the validate option.
- quanta-admin statements - any valid quanta-admin statement can be added to the sql script file.
- To test error conditions, add the error number after the delimiter ('@' by default).
Statement Line Examples
- -- This is a commented line. It could also begin with a pound (#).
- -- The following insert statement does not have an expected rowcount:
- insert into customers (cust_id, name, address, city, state, zip, phone, phoneType) values('1','Abe','123 Main','Seattle','WA','98072','425-232-4323','cell;home');
- -- The following select statement does have an expected rowcount.
- select * from customers where name = 'Abe';@1
- -- The following quanta-admin statement drops a table
- quanta-admin drop customers_qa
- -- The following statement tests an error condition
- select * from badtable;@1105
Make sure that consul is running locally on port 8500. In a terminal:
consul agent -dev
Check the README in ./start-local Run it.
Here is an example command line (cd to sqlrunner).
go run ./driver.go -script_file ./sqlscripts/joins_sql.sql -validate -host -user MOLIG004 -db quanta -port 4000 -log_level DEBUG
or, in vs code launch.json
"name": "Sql test join",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "./sqlrunner/driver.go",
"args": ["-script_file", "./sqlscripts/joins_sql.sql",
"-user", "MOLIG004",
"-log_level", "DEBUG"