TRex is fast realistic open source traffic generation tool, running on standard Intel processors, based on DPDK. It supports both stateful and stateless traffic generation modes.
High scale benchmarks for stateful networking gear. For example: Firewall/NAT/DPI.
Generating high scale DDOS attacks. See Why TRex is Our Choice of Traffic Generator Software
High scale, flexible testing for switchs (e.g. RFC2544)- see
Scale tests for huge numbers of clients/servers for controller based testing.
EDVT and production tests.
Features terminating TCP can not be tested yet. |
“Stateful” mode is meant for testing networking gear which saves state per flow (5 tuple). Usually this is done by injecting pre-recorded capture files on pairs of interfaces of the device under test, and dynamically changing src/dst IP/port.
“Stateless” mode is meant to test networking gear that does not manage any state per flow (instead operating on a per packet basis). This is usually done by injecting customized packet streams to the device under test.
See this in-depth comparisson for more details.
Yes. Currently there is a need for 2-3 cores and 4GB memory. For VM use case, memory requirement can be significantly reduced if needed (at the cost of supporting less concurrent flows) by using the following configuration
Using vSwitch will limit the maximum PPS to around 1MPPS (DPDK-OVS/VPP can solve this)
Latency results will not be accurate.
For high performance setup (multi-rx-queue), it is better to add
rx_desc: 4096
in the trexd_cfg.yaml see platform_yaml_cfg_argument and software mode
We are using specific NIC features. Not all the NICs have the capabilities we need.
We have regression tests in our lab for each recommended NIC. We do not claim to support NICs we do not have in our lab. You can find the list of supported NICs here. Look for “Supported NIcs” table.
Notice that some unsupported NICs can also be used using --software command line argument. See more details here.
Yes. Since version 2.12, with these limitations. Especially note that a new firmware version is needed.
Mellanox Connect4 is supported. Connect 3 and 5 still have issues (WIP to fix). Support for FM10K is under development.
Yes. It is developed by a different team, and is also open source.
You can find GUI for stateless mode and packet editor here.
We present statistics only for first four ports because there is no console space. Global statistics (like total TX) is correct, taking into account all ports. You can use the GUI/console or Python API, to see statistics for all ports.
One option for running few instances on the same physical machine is to install few VMs.
Second option is to use different config file for each instance (--cfg argument)
In each config file:
- port_limit: 2 version: 2 interfaces: ['86:00.2', '86:00.1'] <--- different ports prefix: instance2 <--- unique prefix zmq_pub_port: 4600 <--- unique ZMQ publisher port zmq_rpc_port: 4601 <--- unique ZMQ RPC port limit_memory: 1024 <--- limit used memory ... platform: <--- this section should use unique cores master_thread_id: 0 latency_thread_id: 1 dual_if: - socket: 0 threads: [2,3,4] ...
No. All ports in the configuration file should be of the same NIC type.
The workaround is to run several TRex instances, see section above.
The answer depends on your budget and needs. Bare metal will have lower latency and better performance. VM has the advantages you normally get when using VMs.
You have two options:
1. Send email to our support group: [email protected]
2. Open a defect at our youtrack. You can also influence by voting in youtrack for an
existing issue. Issues with lots of voters will probably be fixed sooner.
x710da4fh with 4 10G ports can reach a maximum of 40MPPS (total for all ports) with 64 bytes packets. (can not reach the theoretical 60MPPS limit). This is still better than the Intel x520 (82559 based) which can reach ~30MPPS for two ports with one NIC.
XL710-da2 with 2 40G ports can reach maximum of 40MPPS/50Gb (total for all ports) and not 60MPPS with small packets (64B) Intel had in mind redundancy use case when they produced a two port NIC. Card was not intended to reach 80G line rate. see xl710_benchmark.html for more info.
There is good answer in the mailing list here.
You have several ways you can help:
1. Download the product, use it, and report issues (If no issues, we will be very happy to also hear success stories).
2. If you use the product and have improvement suggestions (for the product or documentation) we will be happy to hear.
3. If you fix a bug, or develop new feature, you are more than welcome to create pull request in GitHub.
See CONTRIBUTING for more details.
It is a continuous integration. The latest internal version is under 24/7 regression on few setups in our lab. Once we have enough content we release it to GitHub (Usually every few weeks). We do not send an email for every new release, as it could be too frequent for some people. We announce big feature releases on the mailing list. You can always check the GitHub of course.
You can. Check the TRex sandbox at Cisco devnet in the following link.
1.2.3. During OS installation, screen is skewed / error "out of range" / resolution not supported etc.
Fedora - during installation, choose "Troubleshooting" → Install in basic graphic mode.
Ubuntu - try Ubuntu server, which has textual installation.
Run TRex with the below command and check incoming packet count on DUT interfaces.
sudo ./t-rex-64 -f cap2/dns.yaml --lm 1 --lo -l 1000 -d 100
Alternatively, you can run TRex in stateless mode, send traffic from each port, and look at the counters on the DUT interfaces.
Compare the MACs address + name of interface, for example:
> ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0c:29:2a:99:b2
> sudo ./ -s
03:00.0 'VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller' if=eth0 drv=vmxnet3 unused=igb_uio
If at TRex side the NICs are not visible to ifconfig, run: sudo ./ -b <driver name> <1> <PCI address> (2)
We are planning to add MACs to |
1.2.6. TRex traffic does not show up on Wireshark, so I can not capture the traffic from the TRex port
TRex uses DPDK which takes ownership of the ports, so using Wireshark is not possible. You can use switch with port mirroring to capture the traffic.
- Q
sudo ./t-rex-64 -f cap2/dns.yaml -c 4 -m 1 -d 10 -1 1000
Loading kernel drivers for the first time
ERROR: We don’t have precompiled igb_uio.ko module for your kernel version
Will try compiling automatically.
Automatic compilation failed.
You can try compiling yourself, using the following commands:
$cd ko/src
$make install
$cd -
Then try to run TRex again - A
Usually we have pre-compiled igb_uio.ko for common Kernels of supported OS.
If you have different Kernel (due to update of packages or slightly different OS version), you will need to compile that module.
Simply follow the instructions printed above.
Note: you might need additional Linux packages for that:-
sudo yum install kernel-devel-`uname -r`
sudo yum group install "Development tools"
sudo apt install linux-headers-`uname -r`
sudo apt install build-essential
While running TRex on ESXi/KVM I get this error
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): WATCHDOG: task 'ZMQ sync request-response' has not responded for more than 1.58321 seconds - timeout is 1 seconds
*** traceback follows ***
./_t-rex-64-o() [0x48aa96]
__poll + 45
TrexRpcServerReqRes::_rpc_thread_cb() + 1062
clone + 109
Set at least 8G RAM
If you do not have enough RAM, try using low_end flag:
Low end -
Set HT Core sharing of TRex VM to None:
(…or disable HT and set core affinity so that different VMs do not share cores)
A switch might be configured with spanning tree enabled. TRex reset the port at startup, making the switch reset it side as well,
and spanning tree can drop the packets until it stabilizes.
Disabling spanning tree can help. On Cisco nexus, you can do that using spanning-tree port type edge
You can also start TRex with -k <num> flag. This will send packets for k seconds before starting the actual test, letting the spanning
tree time to stabilize.
This issue will be fixed when we consolidate “Stateful” and “Stateless” RPC.
Most common reason is problems with MAC addresses.
If your ports are connected in loopback, follow this carefully.
If loopback worked for you, continue here.
If you set MAC addresses manually in your config file, check again that they are correct.
If you have ip and default_gw in your config file, you can debug the initial ARP resolution process by running TRex with
-d 1 flag (will stop TRex 1 second after init phase, so you can scroll up and look at init stage log), and -v 1.
This will dump the result of ARP resolution (“dst MAC:…”). You can also try -v 3.
This will print more debug info, and also ARP packets TX/RX indication and statistics.
On the DUT side - If you configured static ARP, verify it is correct. If you depend on TRex gratuitous ARP messages, look at the DUT ARP
table after TRex init phase and verify its correctness.
TRex performance depends on many factors:
Make sure trex_cfg.yaml is optimal see "platform" section in manual
More concurrent flows will reduce the performance
Short flows with one/two packets (e.g. cap2/dns.yaml ) will give the worst performance
Yes. We know this is something many people would like, and are working on this. No ETA yet. Once a progress is made, we will announce it on the TRex site and mailing list.
You can use the simulator. see simulator The output of the simulator can be loaded to Excel. The CPS can be tuned.
Default maximum supported flows is 1M (From TRex prespective. DUT might have much more due to slower aging). When active flows reach higher number, you will get “out of memory” error message
To increase the number of supported active flows, you should add “dp_flows” arg in config file “memory” section. Look here for more info.
- port_limit : 4
version : 2
interfaces : ["02:00.0","02:00.1","84:00.0","84:00.1"] # list of the interfaces to bind run ./ --status
memory :
dp_flows : 10048576 #(1)
more flows 10Mflows
You should increse the pool with that raise an error, for example in case of 2048
- port_limit : 4
version : 2
interfaces : ["02:00.0","02:00.1","84:00.0","84:00.1"] # list of the interfaces to bind run ./ --status
memory :
traffic_mbuf_2048 : 8000 #(1)
for mbuf for 2038
You can run TRex with -v 7
to verify that the configuration has an effect
After stretching TRex to its maximum CPS capacity, consider the following: DUT will have much more active flows in case of a UDP flow due to the nature of aging (DUT does not know when the flow ends while TRex knows). In order to artificialy increse the length of the active flows in TRex, you can config larger IPG in the YAML file. This will cause each flow to last longer. Alternatively, you can increase IPG in your PCAP file as well.
The range of clients and servers should be at least the number of threads. The number of threads is equal to (number of port pairs) * (-c value)
You should first have a YAML configuration file. See here. Then, you can have a look at the stateless manual here. You can jump right into the tutorials section.
We are using Python ZMQ wrapper. It needs to be compiled per platform and we have a support for many platforms but not all of them. You will need to build ZMQ for your platform if it is not part of the package.
from .trex_stl_client import STLClient, LoggerApi
File "../trex_stl_lib/", line 7, in <module>
from .trex_stl_jsonrpc_client import JsonRpcClient, BatchMessage
File "../trex_stl_lib/", line 3, in <module>
import zmq
File "/home/shilwu/trex_client/external_libs/pyzmq-14.5.0/python2/fedora18/64bit/zmq/", line 32, in <module>
_libzmq = ctypes.CDLL(bundled[0], mode=ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/ctypes/", line 365, in __init__
self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
OSError: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /home/shilwu/trex_client/external_libs/pyzmq-14.5.0/python2/fedora18/64bit/zmq/
Yes. You can build any packet you like using Scapy. However, there is no way to create corrupted L1 fields (Like Ethernet FCS), since these are usually handled by the NIC hardware.
Major things that can reduce the performance are:
Many concurent streams.
Complex field engine program.
Adding “cache” directive can improve the performance. See here
and try this:
$start -f stl/ -m 100%
vm = STLScVmRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar ( "ip_src",
size=4, step=1,op="inc"),
STLVmWrFlowVar (fv_name="ip_src",
pkt_offset= "IP.src" ),
STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP")
split_by_field = "ip_src",
cache_size =255 # the cache size (1)
See example here
use random_seed
per stream
return STLStream(packet = pkt,
random_seed = 0x1234,
mode = STLTXCont())
No. each stream has its own, seperate field engine program.
It is a great idea to add it, we are looking for someone to contribute this support.
- Q
I want to use the Python API via Java (with Jython), apparently, I can not import Scapy modules with Jython. The way I see it I have two options:
Creating python scripts and call them from java (with ProcessBuilder for example)
Call directly to the TRex server over RPC from Java
However, option 2 seems like a re-writing the API for Java (which I am not going to do) On the other hand, with option 1, once the script is done, the client object destroyed and I cannot use it anymore in my tests.
Any ideas on what is the best way to use TRex within JAVA?
- A
The power of our Python API is the scapy integration for simple building of the packets and the field engine. There is a proxy over RPC that you can extend to your use cases. It has basic functionality, like connect/start/stop/get_stats. You could use it to send some pcap file via ports, or so-called python profiles, which you can configure by passing different variables (so-called tunabels) via the RPC. Take a look at using_stateless_client_via_json_rpc. You can even dump the profile as a string and move it to the proxy to run it (Notice that it is a potential security hole, as you allow outside content to run as root on the TRex server).
See here an example for simple Web server proxy for interacting with TRex.
TRex has minimal and basic support for HLTAPI. For simple use cases (without latency and per stream statistic) it will probably work. For advanced use cases, there is no replacement for native API that has full control and in most cases is simpler to use.
Yes. Using Field Engine you can build streams with different TOS and get statistic/latency/jitter per stream
For now, none. You can connect your router to a switch with TRex and a machine running routem. Then, inject routes using routem, and other traffic using TRex.
No. latency streams are handled by rx software and there is only one core to handle the traffic. To workaround this you could create one stream in lower speed for latency (e.g. PPS=1K) and another one of the same type without latency. The latency stream will sample the DUT queues. For example, if the required latency resolution is 10usec there is no need to send a latency stream in speed higher than 100KPPS- usually queues are built over time, so it is not possible that one packet will have a latency and another packet in the same path will not have the same latency. The none latency stream could be in full line rate (e.g. 100MPPS)
stream = [STLStream(packet = pkt,
mode = STLTXCont(pps=1)), (1)
# latency stream
STLStream(packet = pkt,
mode = STLTXCont(pps=1000), (2)
flow_stats = STLFlowLatencyStats(pg_id = 12+port_id))
non latency stream will be amplified
latency stream, the speed will be constant 1KPPS
Reason for this (besides being a CPU constrained feature) is that most of the time, the use case is that you load the DUT using some traffic streams, and check latency using different streams. The latency stream is kind of “testing probe” which you want to keep at constant rate, while playing with the rate of your other (loading) streams. So, you can use the multiplier to amplify your main traffic, without changing your “testing probe”.
When you have the following example:
stream = [STLStream(packet = pkt,
mode = STLTXCont(pps=1)), (1)
# latency stream
STLStream(packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad_latency),
mode = STLTXCont(pps=1000), (2)
flow_stats = STLFlowLatencyStats(pg_id = 12+port_id))
non latency stream
latency stream
If you speicify a multiplier of 10KPPS in start API, the latency stream (#2) will keep the rate of 1000 PPS and will not be amplified.
If you do want to amplify latency streams, you can do this using “tunables”. You can add in the Python profile a “tunable” which will specify the latency stream rate and you can provide it to the “start” command in the console or in the API. Tunables can be added through the console using “start … -t latency_rate=XXXXX” or using the Python API directly (for automation): STLProfile.load_py(…, latency_rate = XXXXX) You can see example for defining and using tunables here.
I use per stream statistics on x710/xl710 card and rx-bps counter from python API (and rx bytes releated counters in console)
always show N/A
This is because on these card types, we use hardware counters (as opposed to counting in software in other card types). While this allows for counting of full 40G line rate streams, this does not allow for counting bytes (only packet count available), because the hardware on these NICs lacks this support. Starting from version 2.21, new “--no-hw-flow-stat” flag will make x710 card behave like other cards.