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Getting started with Hurricane |
You can choose whatever IDE you like. For remote Python debugging to work you need an IDE which supports debugpy or pydevd, like VS Code or PyCharm.
Start a new Django-based project as you like.
Be sure to check out the specifically created cookiecutter template django-hurricane-template. With that, you can run
cookiecutter gh:Blueshoe/django-hurricane-template
and you'll get a Hurricane-based project layout created for you. In that case, you can head over straight to point 5.
Hurricane can be installed from Python Package Index with
pip3 install django-hurricane
Add "hurricane" to your INSTALLED_APPS:
You can run a development server exactly the same way you would run the production server. It is realized with a Django management command:
python serve --autoreload --static
That will start a Tornado-based web server that hot-reloads your code upon changes. It will serve your static and media files, too.
For detailed configuration parameters please refer to the documentation of Hurricane's application server.
In order to run your fancy new application in Kubernetes you will need workload manifests. You can write them yourself or generate them from our specifically prepared cookiecutter Helm charts template hurricane-based-helm-template. Just run the following command, answer the questions accordingly and you will get ready-to-go Helm charts:
cookiecutter gh:Blueshoe/hurricane-based-helm-template
Go on and select your favorite Kubernetes-distributon for development. Besides others, k3d works very well. Be sure to have Helm installed and go on with:
helm install my-release <app-name>/
That's it. You can now hand over everything to production, relax and let Kubernetes operate your Django application (almost) hassle-free.