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152 lines (106 loc) · 5.81 KB

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152 lines (106 loc) · 5.81 KB


Description Displays a Pinterest widget or Pin It button.
Availability Stable
Required Script <script async custom-element="amp-pinterest" src=""></script>
Examples pinterest.amp.html


Pin It button: data-do="buttonPin"

<amp-pinterest height=20 width=40
  data-description="Next stop: Pinterest">

Embedded pin widget: data-do="embedPin"

<amp-pinterest width=245 height=330

Pin It Button


Required when data-do is buttonPin. Contains the fully-qualified URL intended to be pinned or re-made into a widget.


Required when data-do is buttonPin. Contains the fully-qualified URL of the image intended to be pinned. If the pin will eventually contain multimedia (such as YouTube), should point to a high-resolution thumbnail.


Required when data-do is buttonPin. Contains the default description that appears in the pin create form; please choose carefully, since many Pinners will close the form without pinning if it doesn't make sense.

Sizing the Pin It Button

Default small rectangular button:

height=20 width=40

Small rectangular button with pin count to the right, using data-count="beside"

height=28 width=85

Small rectangular button with pin count on top, using data-count="above"

height=50 width=40

Large rectangular button using data-height="tall"

height=28 width=56

Large rectangular button with pin count to the right, using data-tall="true" and data-count="beside"

height=28 width=107

Large rectangular button with pin count on top, using data-height="tall" and data-count="above"

height=66 width=56

Small circular button using data-round="true"

height=16 width=16

Large circular button using data-round="true" and data-height="tall"

height=32 width=32

Follow Button


Required when data-do is buttonFollow. Contains the fully qualified Pinterest user profile url to follow.


Required when data-do is buttonFollow. Contains the text to display on the follow button.

Embedded Pin Widget


When building the Embedded Pin widget, data-url is required and must contain the fully-qualified URL of the Pinterest resource to be shown as a widget.


Validation errors

The following lists validation errors specific to the amp-pinterest tag (see also amp-pinterest in the AMP validator specification):

Validation Error Description
The 'example1' tag is missing or incorrect, but required by 'example2'. Error thrown when required amp-pinterest extension .js script tag is missing or incorrect.
The mandatory attribute 'example1' is missing in tag 'example2'. Error thrown when data-do attribute is missing.
The implied layout 'example1' is not supported by tag 'example2'. Error thrown when implied layout is set to CONTAINER; this layout type isn't supported.
The specified layout 'example1' is not supported by tag 'example2'. Error thrown when specified layout is set to CONTAINER; this layout type isn't supported.
The property 'example1' in attribute 'example2' in tag 'example3' is set to 'example4', which is invalid. Error thrown when invalid value is given for attributes height or width. For example, height=auto triggers this error for all supported layout types, with the exception of NODISPLAY.