School Schedule and Library Application, implementing MVP Design Pattern, and with open source
This is an Open Source Project, which aims to be the start point for your development of your own school. fork it, and start your own project now!
- Jsoup 1.10.2
- Google Gson 2.8.0
- Android Support v4/v7/Design/CardView-v7 25.1
- ReactiveX RxJava 2.0.5/RxAndroid 2.0.1
- Squareup Retrofit 2.1.0/Converter-Gson 2.1.0/Converter-Scalars 2.1.0
- Mnode iCal4j 2.0.0
- Jakewharton ButterKnife 8.5.1
- jp.wasabeef:recyclerview-animators 2.2.4
- com.github.clans:fab 1.6.4
- se.emilsjolander:stickylistheaders 2.7.0
- com.rengwuxian.materialedittext:library 2.1.4
- org.xdty.preference:color-picker 0.0.4
- com.yanzhenjie:recyclerview-swipe 1.0.2
- com.wdullaer:materialdatetimepicker 3.1.2
- com.github.clans:fab 1.6.4
- com.scottyab:aescrypt 0.0.1
- me.relex:circleindicator 1.2.2@aar
- Fetch your classes, update current week automatically
- Fetch your academic grade
- Search library
- Fetch book info you have borrowed
- Export to iCal file (.ics) for Calendar Sync
- Add & edit classes manually
- Import class from Excel table content
- Query your CET grade
Caution! It is DIFFERENT form Import from Excel Document, you have to copy the content in your Excel Document and paste it in the EditText in Dialog
Actually, There is no need to use Excel, it will treat \n
and \t
as line and cell separation, and the Content copied from Excel Table has the same feature
name - The ClassName (e.g. 大学语文)
type - The ClassType (e.g. 必修)
time - The Time you should attend class, use Chinese for weekday and leave only one time here per line (e.g. 周一5-6)
during - The Duration of the class, support odd, even week (use Chinese Please) and multiple duration, use & to separate them (e.g. 1-5&6-10双&11-15单)
teacher - The teacher name who lecture the class (e.g. 老王)
place - The place to attend the class (e.g. 教102)
Example Table Content
name type time during teacher place
大学语文 必修 周一 5-6节 1-5&6-10双&11-15单 老王 教102
大学语文 必修 周三 1-2节 1-5 老李 教103
Android开发 选修 周日 1-5节 1-18 自己 图书馆
Download Excel Template Document - template.xlsx