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  • Defines the client implementation that will interact with sapphire paratime

How to generate solidity contract bindings


  1. Install Solidity compiler solc compatible with your platform. On Ubuntu run
sudo apt-get solc
  1. Check installed solidity compiler version using.
$ solc --version 
solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface
Version: 0.8.21+commit.d9974bed.Linux.g++
  1. Download the abigen tool from official releases or build it from go-ethereum

Generate Go Bindings

From the project root folder run the following commands:

  1. Generate abi files by running the following command:
$ solc --abi contracts/chat.sol -o build
Compiler run successful. Artifact(s) can be found in directory "build".
  1. Generate the go bindings by running the following command:
$ abigen --abi ./build/ChatContract.abi --pkg contracts --type Chat --out client/contracts/chat.go