The catalog of seeded connector definitions is stored and manually updated in the airbyte-config/init/src/main/resources/seed/*_definitions.yaml
files. These manually-maintained connector definitions intentionally do not contain the connector specs, in an effort to keep these files
human-readable and easily-editable, and because specs can be automatically fetched.
This automatic fetching of connector specs is the goal of the SeedConnectorSpecGenerator. This class reads the connector definitions in
the airbyte-config/init/src/main/resources/seed/*_definitions.yaml
files, fetches the corresponding specs from the GCS bucket cache, and writes the
specs to the airbyte-config/init/src/main/resources/seed/*_specs.yaml
files. See the
SeedConnectorSpecGenerator class for more details.
Therefore, whenever a connector definition is updated in the airbyte-config/init/src/main/resources/seed/*_definitions.yaml
files, the
SeedConnectorSpecGenerator should be re-ran to generate the updated connector specs files. To do so,
run ./gradlew :airbyte-config:init:processResources
, or just build the platform project, and commit the changes to your PR. If you do not do this,
the build in the CI will fail because there will be a diff in the generated files as you have not checked in the changes that were applied by the