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Embedthis Embedthis Appweb(TM) README.TXT Welcome to the Embedthis Appweb distribution. This document contains describes the procedure for installing Appweb. This package contains a pre-built stand-alone (binary) web server and the development libraries and headers needed to embed Appweb in an application. Once installed, you may read the Appweb online documentation and samples for further information. You can also read the documentation for the latest release online at: This software is copyrighted and distributed under license. Please read the LICENSE.TXT for details. Table of Contents ----------------- * System Requirements * Linux Release Details * Windows Release Details * VxWorks Release Details * Building the Source Code * License and Copyright Information System Requirements ------------------- Operating System Support * Linux 2.4, 2.6 (x86,arm,ppc,sparc,xscale,mips) including redhat and debian based distributions. * Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 (x86) * Mac OS X * VxWorks (x86,arm,ppc,sparc,xscale,mips) Run-time System Requirements ---------------------------- To install Embedthis Appweb on a development system, you will need at least the following: * 256MB RAM * 10 MB free disk space * TCP/IP network stack To rebuild Appweb from source code, you will need at least: * 30 MB disk space Development Environment Platform Support ---------------------------------------- If you wish to embed Appweb in your application, build the samples or rebuild Embedthis Appweb from source code, you will need to use a C/C++ compiler and associated development tools. Several development environments are supported. You may choose any of the following: * Linux GNU tools * Windows Visual Studio (Visual Studio 6 or Windows Visual Studio .NET 2005) This also requires the Cygwin UNIX emulation tools. See * MAC OS X Xcode tools * VxWorks Tornado II or later Linux Release Details --------------------- Installing Embedthis Appweb The installation distribution includes sub-packages containing pre-built binaries, development libraries, headers, documentation and samples. You can selectively install the sub-packages or you can install the complete distribution. For those looking to build from source code, you will need to download the separate source code distribution. The product documentation describes how to build from source. The Embedthis Appweb install distribution for LINUX is published in three formats: * Debian (*.deb) format for debian distributions including Ubuntu * RPM (*.rpm) format for RPM distributions including Fedora and RHEL * Tar format for custom installs. For Linux, it is recommended that you use the RPM or Debian formats if your system supports those package standards. The RPM and Debian formats will register the software installation with the system's package manager so that you can query, verify, and easily manage the software on your system. The tar format consists of tar archives that you can manually extract for maximum control over the placement of the product files. You can however, still use the install script with the tar install distribution if your system does not support RPM. To install the Linux RPM package: 1. If you are installing the binary package, you will need to login as root or attain root privilege when you execute the install script. 2. Uncompress and extract the top level files by typing tar xvfz appweb-VERSION-NUMBER-LINUX-i386.rpm.tar.gz 3. ./install 4. If required, edit /etc/appweb.conf to suit your environment and then restart Appweb via: service appweb restart To install the Linux Debian package: 1. If you are installing the binary package, you will need to login as root or attain root privilege via sudo when you execute the install script. 2. Uncompress and extract the top level files by typing tar xvfz appweb-VERSION-NUMBER-LINUX-i386.deb.tar.gz 3. Install the package via: dpkg -i appweb-VERSION-NUMBER-LINUX-i386.deb 4. If required, edit /etc/appweb.conf to suit your environment and then restart Appweb via: invoke-rc.d appweb restart To install the Linux Tar Package: 1. If you are installing the binary package, you will need to login as root or attain root privilege when you execute the install script. 2. tar xvfz appweb-VERSION-NUMBER-LINUX-i386.tar.tar.gz 3. cd {Desired-Directory-For-Binaries} 4. tar xvfz appweb-VERSION-NUMBER-LINUX-i386.tar.gz Removing Embedthis Appweb 1. Login as root 2. Change directory to the installation directory for Appweb. This is usually /etc/appweb 3. Run the remove script in the install directory for Appweb by typing ./remove or use your system removal tool. For RPM: rpm -e appweb or Debian: dpkg -r appweb Running Appweb on Linux The Appweb product installation will automatically start Appweb before it completes. Thereafter, Appweb will automatically start if the system is rebooted. If you wish to stop Appweb, on Red Hat type: service appweb stop or on Debian, type: invoke-rc.d appweb stop You can restart Appweb on Red Hat by: service appweb start or on Debian: invoke-rc.d appweb start Alternatively, you may also run Appweb manually (once you have stopped the Appweb service as described above) 1. cd /etc/appweb 2. ./appweb -f appweb.conf -l stdout:2 Appweb is configured by default to listen on port 7777. To test that it is serving pages, point your browser at http://localhost:7777. To tailor the Embedthis Appweb configuration, including the default port, you may wish to edit the appweb.conf configuration file. The -l switch directs logging output to the standard output (stdout) at level 2. Levels range between 0 and 9 with zero being the least verbose. Windows Release Details ----------------------- The installation distribution includes sub-packages containing pre-built binaries, development libraries and headers, documentation and samples. You can selectively install the sub-packages or you can install the complete distribution. Installing Embedthis Appweb The Embedthis Appweb Server install distribution for Windows is published in one format: * A ZIPped Windows installer executable named: The package contains the binary distribution, libraries, headers, documentation and samples distribution in the one package. During installation you will have the option of installing the full package or just the binary or documentation and samples. To install the Windows Installer package 1. Login with administrator privileges. This is necessary as the binary installation needs to install a Windows Service. 2. Use WinZip or equivalent software to extract the README.TXT and setup.exe from the zip archive. 3. Select Run from the Start menu and browse to the location holding the setup.exe install package and select it. 4. Click OK. Removing Embedthis Appweb If you installed the Tar package, you will need to remove Appweb manually. If you installed the Windows Installer package, follow these steps to remove Appweb. 1. Login with administrator privileges 2. Run the Add / Remove Programs applet from the control panel. 3. Select the Embedthis Appweb Server and choose remove. Running Appweb on Windows Appweb can run in the background as a windows service, or in the foreground as a windows application or as a console application. The Appweb Windows Installer product installation will automatically start appweb as a Windows Service before the installation completes. Thereafter, Appweb will automatically start if the system is rebooted. You may start and stop Appweb manually if you wish. To do this, you will first need to disable the Appweb Windows Service via the following steps: 1. Start the Windows Service Control Applet by right clicking on My Computer and then selecting Manage. 2. Then click on Services and Applications in the left-hand pane. 3. Select Services in the left pane and then scroll in the right pane to find Embedthis Appweb and double click on Embedthis Appweb. 4. Select Start, Stop, Pause or Resume as required. 5. Or change the Startup Type to be manual to permanently disable Appweb as a Windows Service. To Manually run Appweb as a windows app 1. Ensure that appweb is not running as a service (as described above) 2. Display the contents of Programs > Embedthis Appweb under the Start menu. 3. Select Embedthis Appweb. The application will be started and its icon will appear in the status area of the Windows taskbar. This is actually starting appweb. You can double click on the appweb icon to launch a browser. To Run Appweb from the Console 1. Select Run from the Start menu and browse to the location holding the Embedthis Appweb installation. Browse to the App web program which by default is in C:/Program Files/Embedthis Appweb/bin/appweb.exe. Select the appweb.exe program. 2. Add -f appweb.conf to the end of the command line 3. Click OK 4. A window will appear 5. To exit the application, close the window Appweb is run as configured by default to startup up automatically as a system service and to listen on port 7777. To test that it is serving pages, point your browser at http://localhost:7777. To tailor the Embedthis Appweb configuration, including the default port, you may wish to edit the appweb.conf configuration file. Building the Source Code ------------------------ If you wish to rebuild the Appweb product from the distributed source code, please download the source code distribution from the Embedthis web site. Then read "Building from Source" in the Appweb product documentation for an explanation of the necessary steps to successfully rebuild the product. Exporting --------- This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See <> for more information. The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. This release is eligible for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code. License and Copyright Information --------------------------------- This software is supplied under license. Both a GNU and commercial license are available. Please read LICENSE.TXT for details. This documentation and the software described in this document may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement. Product and technical information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Embedthis Software LLC. Copyright (c) Embedthis Software LLC, 2003-2007. All Rights Reserved. Embedthis is a trademark of Embedthis Software LLC. Embedthis, Appweb, ESP and EGI are trademarks of Embedthis Software. All other brand or product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Embedthis Software, LLC. 4616 25th Ave NE #733 Seattle, WA 98105. +1 (425) 329-3490 [email protected]