I am an Associate Professor at the George Washington University Law School.
I teach courses on criminal justice reform, criminal law, evidence, policing, evidence-based policymaking, and data science and law. I am Director of Science and Policy at the Justice Innovation Lab, which helps jurisdictions reduce inequality though criminal justice reform. I serve on the board of the DC Justice Lab, and cheer on the amazing work of Patrice Sultan and her staff. I also helped to spin up The Lab @ DC, which provides assistance and support to DC Agencies seeking to increase equitable outcomes. Although I'm less involved these days, I still occassionally help out, particularly in the areas of public safety and reentry.
I have written a fair bit about the role the criminal justice system plays in disassembling families and communities, contributing to the conditions that give rise to the social disorder that the criminal justice system purports to reduce. I've also written a bit about climate change, social cognition, and cultural constraints on public policy.
I am a graduate of Yale Law School and the Yale Graduate School (Anthropology), where I worked with families of prisoners and authored Doing Time on the Outside, a study of the impact of mass incarceration on families and communities in the District of Columbia.
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