Helm chart isn't published yet and is used mostly internally to generate yamls in deploy/
directory and for end2end test. But chart should be deployable from this repo with helm anyway. Command below expects that:
- you have k8s cluster up and running with mayastor requirements fulfilled (take a look at mayastor-terraform-playground (WARNING - super-pre-alpha)
- kubectl is able to access your cluster without any arguments (i.e. you have cluster configured in config as default or your environment variable KUBECONFIG points to working kubeconfig)
cd /path/to/openebs/Mayastor
helm install mayastor ./chart --namespace=mayastor --create-namespace
To uninstall:
helm uninstall mayastor -n mayastor
kubectl delete namespace mayastor
Please note that the provided etcd deployment with its default values uses an EmptyDir Volume as its backing store and is not production ready.
[ ] publish :-)
[x] templatize namespace properly - mayastor namespace is hardcoded in yaml templates
- use Release.Namespace
- use Release.Name [ ] allow pulling image from authenticated repository [ ] allow changing image versions separately