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This is a sample application to show the use of μ/log to log events and instrument an application.

The application poll the Transport For London (TFL) API for road disruptions. It tracks in realtime the disruptions to the main road corridors around London (UK). A REST api allow the user to list all active disruptions around London.

This project is intended for demonstration purpose only!


  1. Prepare the network and create an alias with
# on linux
sudo ip addr add dev wlan0

# on Mac OSX
sudo ifconfig en0 alias up

# to remove alias
# sudo ifconfig en0 -alias

Alternatively, edit the docker-compose.yaml and add your local ip (non This is necessary for the producer to connect to the broker.

  1. Start Kafka and ElasticSearch in background
docker-compose rm -f && docker-compose up
  1. Wait until all services are properly started and logs are settled.
  2. Run the disruption service
lein do clean, run
  1. Open: http://localhost:9000/ for Kibana, click on Management -> Index Patterns -> Create Index pattern, then add the index pattern mulog-*, click Next, Choose @timestamp as time field, then click on Create index pattern.
  2. Finally, Click on Discover and see the events as they arrive.
  3. The same events should be printed in the console and in Kafka topic called mulog.
  4. You can query the roads-disruptions on http://localhost:8000/ as follow:
# to check the API status
curl -si http://localhost:8000/healthcheck

# to retrieve the current list of disruptions around London
curl -si http://localhost:8000/disruptions

Every interaction is logged in μ/log.

The logs will be sent to the following destinations:

  • Console standard output
  • Filesystem: /tmp/mulog/events.log
  • Kafka topic: mulog
  • ElasticSearch index mulog-YYYY.MM.DD

To see the events sent to Kafka run:

docker exec -ti roads-disruptions_broker_1 /usr/bin/kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9093 --topic mulog

Here a sample of the events that will be sent:

;; This event is sent at the application start
{:mulog/event-name :disruptions/app-started,
 :mulog/timestamp 1582624436517,
 :mulog/namespace "com.brunobonacci.disruptions.main",
 :app-name "roads-disruptions",
 :env "local",
 :version "0.1.0"}

;; This event is sent each time the remote api poll
;; is initiated
{:mulog/event-name :disruptions/initiated-poll,
 :mulog/timestamp 1582624488062,
 :mulog/namespace "com.brunobonacci.disruptions.api",
 :app-name "roads-disruptions",
 :env "local",
 :version "0.1.0"}

;; This event is sent when the application retrieve
;; the disruptions from the TFL api
{:mulog/event-name :disruptions/retrieve-disruptions,
 :mulog/timestamp 1582624488063,
 :mulog/duration 6442414196,
 :mulog/namespace "com.brunobonacci.disruptions.tfl-api",
 :mulog/outcome :ok,
 :app-name "roads-disruptions",
 :env "local",
 :version "0.1.0"}

;; This event is sent for each request to the remote
;; service to track request rate, errors, latency etc
{:mulog/event-name :disruptions/remote-request,
 :mulog/timestamp 1582624494065,
 :mulog/duration 359793125,
 :mulog/namespace "com.brunobonacci.disruptions.tfl-api",
 :mulog/outcome :ok,
 :app-name "roads-disruptions",
 :env "local",
 :http-status 200,
 :request-type :disruptions-by-road,
 :road-id "western cross route",
 :version "0.1.0"}

;; This event is sent when the list of disruptions
;; from the remote api is completed and it contains
;; the current count of active disruptions
{:mulog/event-name :disruptions/poll-completed,
 :mulog/timestamp 1582624494505,
 :mulog/namespace "com.brunobonacci.disruptions.api",
 :active-disruptions 75,
 :app-name "roads-disruptions",
 :env "local",
 :version "0.1.0"}

;; This event is sent for each http user request
;; it is used to track request rate, error rate,
;; response type, latency distribution
{:mulog/event-name :disruptions/http-request,
 :mulog/timestamp 1582624531635,
 :mulog/duration 867392,
 :mulog/namespace "com.brunobonacci.disruptions.api",
 :mulog/outcome :ok,
 :app-name "roads-disruptions",
 :content-encoding nil,
 :content-type "application/json",
 :env "local",
 :http-status 200,
 :request-method :get,
 :uri "/disruptions",
 :version "0.1.0"}