- Pro
dotmobo / ngrx-forms
Forked from MrWolfZ/ngrx-formsEnhance your forms in Angular applications with the power of ngrx
dotmobo / specifications
Forked from SPORE/specificationsSPORE specifications
ctrlpvim / ctrlp.vim
Forked from kien/ctrlp.vimActive fork of kien/ctrlp.vim—Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
icegriffinguru / awesome-elrond-dev-resources
Forked from xdevguild/awesome-multiversx-dev-resourcesSmart contracts, SDKs, dev libraries, articles, tutorials, all other dev stuff.
Code documentation written as code! How novel and totally my idea!
Django Static Precompiler provides template tags and filters to compile CoffeeScript, SASS / SCSS, LESS, Stylus, and Babel. It works with both inline code and external files.
Davidobot / love.js
Forked from TannerRogalsky/love.jsLÖVE ported to the web using Emscripten, updated to the latest Emscripten and LÖVE (v11.5)
Infinidat / munch
Forked from dsc/bunchA Munch is a Python dictionary that provides attribute-style access (a la JavaScript objects).
unistra / pod
Forked from EsupPortail/podplateforme de gestion de fichier vidéo
dotmobo / circus
Forked from circus-tent/circusA Process & Socket Manager built with zmq