Also seen in GitHub Releases
HTML version available at
curl --silent "" | jq -r '.[] | {tag_name,created_at,prerelease}'
Release date: 2023/07/29
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #199 by (@daebot)
Full Changelog:
Release date: 2023/07/29
- feat: add configure juicity modal in #191 by (@wanlce)
- fix: rename modal not closing after changing rule names in #188 by (@kunish)
- fix: reload icon not showing on small size screens in #187 by (@kunish)
- fix: avoid to install husky when not in a git repo in #185 by (@douglarek)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #194 by (@daebot)
- ci/fix(generate-changelogs): fix dry_run input description in #193 by (@yqlbu)
- chore/feat: add in #192 by (@mzz2017)
- ci/fix(pr-build,build): fix submodule path trigger in #190 by (@yqlbu)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #189 by (@daebot)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #186 by (@daebot)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #184 by (@daebot)
- ci(pr-build): update trigger paths in #183 by (@yqlbu)
- chore: update codeowners in #182 by (@yqlbu)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #181 by (@daebot)
- ci(pr-build): ONLY keep arm64, amd64 as build targets in #180 by (@yqlbu)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #179 by (@daebot)
- ci(release): checkout codebase based on ref in #178 by (@yqlbu)
Full Changelog:
- @douglarek made their first contribution in #185
- @wanlce made their first contribution in #191
Release date: 2023/07/17
- feat: add configure tuic modal in #157 by (@kunish)
- feat: modal reworks in #149 by (@kunish)
- feat: change icons in #147 by (@kunish)
- fix: time parsing is wrong in #171 by (@kunish)
- fix(v2ray): add missing websocket path field in #159 by (@kunish)
- fix: wan interface should be optional in #156 by (@kunish)
- ci(pr-build): add ready_for_review trigger in #175 by (@yqlbu)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #174 by (@daebot)
- chore: run unite tests before commiting in #172 by (@kunish)
- docs(readme): add build-status badge in #170 by (@yqlbu)
- chore: update packages in #169 by (@kunish)
- ci/fix(pr-build): skip check-run related actions based on condition in #167 by (@yqlbu)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #165 by (@daebot)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #164 by (@daebot)
- ci/chore(pr-build): remove unnecessary lines in #163 by (@yqlbu)
- ci(pr-build): integrate check runs to report build status in #162 by (@yqlbu)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #160 by (@daebot)
- ci(build): rename Build (Stable) -> Build (Main) in #158 by (@yqlbu)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #155 by (@daebot)
- ci(sync-upstream): fix invalid downstream workflow ref in #152 by (@yqlbu)
- ci(sync-upstream) apply modularity support in #151 by (@yqlbu)
- chore(pr_template): add test result section in #148 by (@yqlbu)
- ci(generate-changelogs): set dry_run to true by default in #146 by (@yqlbu)
- ci(build.yml): fix armv7 packages' architecture in #145 by (@MarksonHon)
Release date: 2023/07/09
- feat(tuic): upgrade dae-wing to support tuic v5 in #135 by (@kunish)
- feat: wan interface auto detect in #133 by (@kunish)
- feat: display daed version in header in #132 by (@kunish)
- feat: add a configure node modal in #125 by (@kunish)
- feat: disable zooming and panning on mobile in #113 by (@kunish)
- fix: import missing packages and clean up unreference files in #128 by (@earrmouth)
- fix: try fixing caret misplacement in #124 by (@kunish)
- fix: footer is floating above modal overlay in #121 by (@kunish)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #141 by (@dae-bot[bot])
- ci: refine pr-build workflow in #138 by (@yqlbu)
- docs(readme): add release badge in #136 by (@yqlbu)
- chore: refine makefile in #120 by (@mzz2017)
- docs(readme): fix license badge issue and rework contributing section in #107 by (@yqlbu)
Full Changelog:
- @earrmouth made their first contribution in #128
Release date: 2023/06/24
- feat: responsive header in #111 by (@kunish)
- feat: support small screen devices in #110 by (@kunish)
- feat: make plaintext modal fullscreen in #109 by (@kunish)
- feat: add header icon link to github project, and a footer in #108 by (@kunish)
- feat(editor): render tags in #106 by (@kunish)
- feat(editor): add routingA code highlight in #105 by (@kunish)
- feat: use theme
as default monaco editor light theme in #102 by (@kunish) - feat: use monaco editor for dns and routing in #101 by (@kunish)
- feat: render qrcode in canvas to allow user to save image in #100 by (@kunish)
- feat: add a modal to show node qrcode in #99 by (@kunish)
- feat: show node protocol in card title in #98 by (@kunish)
- feat: add tooltip for header actions in #97 by (@kunish)
- feat: restrict drag and drop area in #80 by (@kunish)
- feat: drag nodes and subscriptions between groups in #79 by (@kunish)
- feat(group): show subscription tag on node hover in #77 by (@kunish)
- feat(config): show interface ip addresses in interface select in #72 by (@kunish)
- feat: add description text for group policies in #71 by (@kunish)
- feat: add loading state indicators in #70 by (@kunish)
- fix(group): refresh after remove nodes/subs in #96 by (@kunish)
- fix: default googledns add tcp in #92 by (@kunish)
- fix: dragging not working properly in #91 by (@kunish)
- fix(subscription): loading indicator of update in #78 by (@kunish)
- fix(config): disable allow insecure by default in #73 by (@kunish)
- ci: introduce generate-changelogs workflow in #104 by (@yqlbu)
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #90 by (@dae-bot[bot])
- chore(sync): keep upstream source up-to-date in #86 by (@dae-bot[bot])
- refactor: split orchestrate page into multiple components in #81 by (@kunish)
- ci: add sync-upstream workflow in #76 by (@yqlbu)
- ci(prerelease): include v*.*.rc (v0.1.1rc1) case in #75 by (@yqlbu)
- ci(release): retrieve release tag (version) from dispatch inputs in #74 by (@yqlbu)
Full Changelog:
Release date: 2023/06/19
- feat(rules): hide remove button if selected by @kunish in daeuniverse#39
- feat: add switch language button by @kecrily in daeuniverse#1
- feat: change the presentation form of certain details to
s by @kunish in daeuniverse#24 - feat: draggable config by @kunish in daeuniverse#3
- feat: make rules card clickable area larger by @kunish in daeuniverse#37
- feat: rename default config (global) and group (proxy) by @kunish in daeuniverse#38
- feat: set
to true by @kunish in daeuniverse#28
- fix bunch of issues, add bunch of missing functionalities, collected from our community by @kunish in daeuniverse#58
- fix(config): add missing form modal fields and data inconsistency by @kunish in daeuniverse#13
- fix(config): change
by @kunish in daeuniverse#14 - fix(sync-upstream-docs): do not use ref in checkout action by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#48
- fix: /lib64/ version
not found by @kunish in daeuniverse#22 - fix: limit the tproxy port input range, add descriptive help texts by @kunish in daeuniverse#27
- fix: systemd service file description and service start command by @kunish in daeuniverse#64
- Add a new
branch, publish aprerelease
Github Release by @kunish in daeuniverse#31 - build.yml: Fix upload zip files to release by @MarksonHon in daeuniverse#52
- build.yml: add linux package builds by @MarksonHon in daeuniverse#30
- build: set independent app name by @kunish in daeuniverse#34
- chore(sync): upgrade dae-wing by @daebot in daeuniverse#49
- chore: add .editorconfig by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#29
- chore: add codeowners by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#7
- chore: add i18n Ally extension by @kecrily in daeuniverse#2
- chore: add issue,pull_request templates by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#26
- chore: codeowner shift by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#8
- chore: makefile and release actions by @mzz2017 in daeuniverse#20
- chore: refine license by @mzz2017 in daeuniverse#63
- chore: upgrade dae-wing by @daebot in daeuniverse#61
- chore: upgrade dae-wing by @mzz2017 in daeuniverse#41
- chore: use go mod cache instead of go mod vendor by @mzz2017 in daeuniverse#42
- ci(build): fix missing dependant job by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#57
- ci(build-nightly): demise develop branch trigger; use hotfix and test instead by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#55
- ci(build.yml): Remove redundant paths for zip archives by @MarksonHon in daeuniverse#62
- ci(build.yml): add Linux package hooks by @MarksonHon in daeuniverse#40
- ci(release-v0.1.0rc): add release changelogs by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#32
- ci(sync): sync create pull request by @kunish in daeuniverse#44
- ci(sync-upstream): general patches by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#46
- ci: add a workflow to synchronize upstream repositories by @kunish in daeuniverse#43
- ci: add develop-preview pipeline by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#6
- ci: build and publish daed docker image with geosite/geoip by @kunish in daeuniverse#19
- ci: build-nightly workflow by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#35
- ci: fix sync upstream by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#59
- ci: ignore
to trigger build by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#51 - ci: separate release build from main_stream build by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#65
- doc: update readme by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#17
- docs( correct a tiny typo by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#50
- docs: include a short notes for nightly builds by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#36
- docs: migrate getting-started guide to /docs by @yqlbu in daeuniverse#33
daed is mature enough to fly! Thanks to the following contributors.
- @kecrily made their first contribution in daeuniverse#1
- @kunish made their first contribution in daeuniverse#3
- @yqlbu made their first contribution in daeuniverse#6
- @mzz2017 made their first contribution in daeuniverse#20
- @MarksonHon made their first contribution in daeuniverse#30
- @daebot made their first contribution in daeuniverse#49