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πŸ”… State manager for deeply nested states


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State manager for deeply nested states


  • πŸ“¦ Small: Just 1 KB minizipped
  • πŸš€ Fast: Uses no diffing of state changes see benchmarks
  • 😍 Simple: Uses classes as state
  • 🧬 Nested: Easily manage deeply nested state structures
  • πŸ’ͺ Immutable: Data can only be changed via actions (only forced via typescript)
  • πŸŽ› Middleware: Built-in middleware for actions
  • πŸ›‘ Typed: Written in strict TypeScript
  • πŸ”­ Devtools: Redux devtools integration
  • πŸ’¨ Zero dependencies

As a feature I should also mention, that Exome supports IE as of v0.8.5 even tho it uses Proxy under the hood.

Simple Demo


To install the stable version:

npm install --save exome

This assumes you are using npm as your package manager.

Core concepts

Any piece of state you have, must use a class that extends Exome.


Store can be a single class or multiple ones. I'd suggest keeping stores small, in terms of property sizes.

State values

Remember that this is quite a regular class (with some behind the scenes work with Proxies). So you can write you data inside properties however you'd like. Properties can be public, private, object, arrays, getters, setters, static etc.


Every method in class is considered as an action. They are only for changing state. Whenever any method is called in Exome it triggers update to middleware and updates view components. Actions can be regular methods or even async ones.

If you want to get something from state via method, use getters.


Library can be used without typescript, but I mostly recommend using it with typescript as it will guide you through what can and cannot be done as there are no checks without it and can lead to quite nasty bugs.

To create a typed store just create new class with a name of your choosing by extending Exome class exported from exome library.

import { Exome } from 'exome'

// We'll have a store called "CounterStore"
class CounterStore extends Exome {
  // Lets set up one property "count" with default value "0"
  public count = 0

  // Now lets create action that will update "count" value
  public increment() {
    this.count += 1

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That is the basic structure of simple store. It can have as many properties as you'd like. There are no restrictions.

Now we should create an instance of CounterStore to use it.

const counterStore = new CounterStore()

Nice! Now we can start using counterStore state. Lets include it in our react component via useStore hook that is exported by exome/react.

import { useStore } from 'exome/react'

function Counter() {
  const { count, increment } = useStore(counterStore)

  return (
    <button onClick={increment}>{count}</button>

And that is it! No providers, no context, no boilerplate, just your state and actions.

Redux devtools

You can use redux devtools extension to explore Exome store chunk by chunk.

Just add exomeDevtools middleware via addMiddleware function exported by library before you start defining store.

import { addMiddleware } from 'exome'
import { exomeDevtools } from 'exome/devtools'

    name: 'Exome Playground'

It all will look something like this:

Exome using Redux Devtools



A class with underlying logic that handles state changes. Every store must be extended from this class.

abstract class Exome {}


Is function exported from "exome/react".

function useStore<T extends Exome>(store: T): Readonly<T>


  1. store (Exome): State to watch changes from. Without Exome being passed in this function, react component will not be updated when particular Exome updates.


  • Exome: Same store is returned.


import { useStore } from "exome/react"

const counter = new Counter()

function App() {
  const { count, increment } = useStore(counter)

  return <button onClick={increment}>{count}</button>

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Function that calls callback whenever specific action on Exome is called.

function onAction(store: typeof Exome): Unsubscribe


  1. store (Exome constructor): Store that has desired action to listen to.
  2. action (string): method (action) name on store instance.
  3. callback (Function): Callback that will be triggered before or after action.
    • instance (Exome): Instance where action is taking place.
    • action (String): Action name.
    • payload (any[]): Array of arguments passed in action.
  4. type ("before" | "after"): when to run callback - before or after action, default is "after".


  • Function: Unsubscribes this action listener


import { onAction } from "exome"

const unsubscribe = onAction(
  (instance, action, payload) => {
    console.log(`Person ${instance} was renamed to ${payload[0]}`);

    // Unsubscribe is no longer needed


Function that saves snapshot of current state for any Exome and returns string.

function saveState(store: Exome): string


  1. store (Exome): State to save state from (will save full state tree with nested Exomes).


  • String: Stringified Exome instance


import { saveState } from "exome"

const saved = saveState(counter)


Function that loads saved state in any Exome instance.

function loadState(
  store: Exome,
  state: string
): Record<string, any>


  1. store (Exome): Store to load saved state to.
  2. state (String): Saved state string from saveState output.


  • Object: Data that is loaded into state, but without Exome instance (if for any reason you have to have this data).


import { loadState, registerLoadable } from "exome"


const newCounter = new Counter()

const loaded = loadState(newCounter, saved)
loaded.count // e.g. = 15
loaded.increment // undefined

newCounter.count // new counter instance has all of the state applied so also = 15
newCounter.increment // [Function]


Function that registers Exomes that can be loaded from saved state via loadState.

function registerLoadable(
  config: Record<string, typeof Exome>,
): void


  1. config (Object): Saved state string from saveState output.
    • key (String): Name of the Exome state class (e.g. "Counter").
    • value (Exome constructor): Class of named Exome (e.g. Counter).


  • void


import { loadState, registerLoadable } from "exome"



Function that adds middleware to Exome. It takes in callback that will be called every time before an action is called.

React hook integration is actually a middleware.

type Middleware = (instance: Exome, action: string, payload: any[]) => (void | Function)

function addMiddleware(fn: Middleware): void


  1. callback (Function): Callback that will be triggered BEFORE action is started.

    • instance (Exome): Instance where action is taking place.
    • action (String): Action name.
    • payload (any[]): Array of arguments passed in action.


    • (void | Function): Callback can return function that will be called AFTER action is completed.


  • void: Nothingness...


import { Exome, addMiddleware } from "exome"

addMiddleware((instance, name, payload) => {
  if (!(instance instanceof Timer)) {

  console.log(`before action "${name}"`, instance.time);

  return () => {
    console.log(`after action "${name}"`, instance.time);

class Timer extends Exome {
  public time = 0;

  public increment() {
    this.time += 1;

const timer = new Timer()

setInterval(timer.increment, 1000)

// > before action "increment", 0
// > after action "increment", 1
//   ... after 1s
// > before action "increment", 1
// > after action "increment", 2
//   ...

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Q: Can I use Exome inside Exome?

YES! It was designed for that exact purpose. Exome can have deeply nested Exomes inside itself. And whenever new Exome is used in child component, it has to be wrapped in useStore hook and that's the only rule.

For example:

class Todo extends Exome {
  constructor(public message: string, public completed = false) {

  public toggle() {
    this.completed = !this.completed;

class Store extends Exome {
  constructor(public list: Todo[]) {

const store = new Store([
  new Todo("Code a new state library", true),
  new Todo("Write documentation")

function TodoView({ todo }: { todo: Todo }) {
  const { message, completed, toggle } = useStore(todo);

  return (
          textDecoration: completed ? "line-through" : "initial"
      <button onClick={toggle}>toggle</button>

function App() {
  const { list } = useStore(store);

  return (
      { => (
        <TodoView key={getExomeId(todo)} todo={todo} />

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Q: Can deep state structure be saved to string and then loaded back as an instance?

YES! This was also one of key requirements for this. We can save full state from any Exome with saveState, save it to file or database and the load that string up onto Exome instance with loadState.

For example:

const savedState = saveState(store)

const newStore = new Store()

loadState(newStore, savedState)

Q: Can I update state outside of React component?

Absolutely. You can even share store across multiple React instances (or if we're looking into future - across multiple frameworks).

For example:

class Timer extends Exome {
  public time = 0

  public increment() {
    this.time += 1

const timer = new Timer()

setInterval(timer.increment, 1000)

function App() {
  const { time } = useStore(timer)

  return <h1>{time}</h1>

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IE support

This package works with IE. Even tho it uses Proxy, we can get by not using it on IE, but no performance penalty in other browsers that would utilize Proxy.

To run Exome on IE, you must have Symbol and Promise polyfills and down-transpile to ES5 as usual. And that's it! Do not use Proxy polyfill! Most Proxy polyfills will just break Exome because of huge limitations in them.


I stumbled upon a need to store deeply nested store and manage chunks of them individually and regular flux selector/action architecture just didn't make much sense anymore. So I started to prototype what would ideal deeply nested store interaction look like and I saw that we could simply use classes for this.

Goals I set for this project:

  • Easy usage with deeply nested state chunks (array in array)
  • Type safe with TypeScript
  • To have actions be only way of editing state
  • To have effects trigger extra actions
  • Redux devtool support


MIT Β© Marcis Bergmanis


πŸ”… State manager for deeply nested states



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