- High-level interface: this new interface is a thin wrapper to the low-level interface. It provides a matplotlib-like interface which allows to easily add plots or any visuals on the scene, as well as defining custom handlers for events, and defining new events associated to user actions.
- All tutorials and examples have been updated to use this new high-level interface.
- The interaction system has been refined and is now more modular. One can define standalone EventProcessors which register handlers for different events. Processors are then added in the InteractionManager. A given processor can be used separately in different managers and widgets.
- New visuals:
- GridVisual (with grid, axes, ticks) but does not support automatic data normalization yet,
- BarVisual (barplots, histograms) has been promoted from an example to a built-in, standalone visual,
- GraphVisual, to plot graphs with colored nodes and edges (with reference buffer and indexed arrays for maximum memory efficiency),
- MeshVisual to display a 3D mesh (along with a Python function to load a .OBJ ASCII object).
- New Help option (H keyboard shortcut) to automatically display all bindings between user actions (mouse, keyboard, etc.) and events. It is quite convenient because it is dynamically and automatically generated as a function of the bindings in the current interaction mode.
- Removed obsolete examples and restructured completely the tutorials.
There will be three parts in the tutorials:
- high-level interface for plotting and custom visuals,
- high-level interface for custom interaction management,
- low-level interface. Only the first half of the tutorials are done for now.
- New tutorials/examples: raster plot with spikes as sprites, photo gallery: provide a folder with JPG images as argument and you can visualize all your photos in fullscreen.
- Fixed segmentation fault on Linux with NVidia drivers which occurred when non-textured visuals where rendered before a textured visual.
- Got rid of all enumerations, which added complexity and harmed readibility. It was not such a good idea to use them in the first place. Python ain't C#.
- The rendering engine has been entirely rewritten in order to increase the separation between the scene creation logic, and the actual GL rendering.
- This new architecture will make it easier to integrate Galry into the
IPython notebook. A highly experimental proof of concept has been
implemented and gives encouraging results (see the
folder). - A high-level interface, much similar to the pylab interface of
will be available later. Using Galry for high-performance interactive
visualization with a given plotting script using matplotlib will just be
a matter of replacing
import pylab as plt
withimport galry.plot as plt
. - It will be possible to automatically convert a Python plotting script using Galry to WebGL/Javascript code for integration within a standalone webpage. No Python required for running the webpage, just a WebGL-enabled browser.
- The interaction system will be improved soon and the interface will probably change.
- New features:
- More efficient data updating system: before, the data could be changed at the condition that the size of all attributes and textures were kept unchanged. This limitation has fortunately disappeared.
- Support for texture filtering options (including mipmapping).
- Support for 1D and non-square textures.
- Support for reference buffers: the same memory buffer on the GPU can now be used for several visuals in order to save memory (useful for graph rendering, where edges and nodes share the same memory buffer on the GPU).
- Support for indexed rendering (index buffers). Useful for graph rendering where the edges are specified with indices targetting node positions.
- New example: dynamic planar graph rendering with a simple CPU-based physics engine.
- New example: 3D mesh viewer (adapted from an example in Glumpy).
- New example: Pong video game.
- The context of the development of Galry can be found on this blog post.